do my new pullets have worms?


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
hi i'm new here and could use some advice. after my original flock of 4 rir were murdered by skunks/raccoons, i am starting over with a mixed flock of 8 chickens. the oldest 2 pullets are a barred rock and a cochin 1 of whom has runny pink/red poo. they both seem otherwise healthy. should i deworm them? i know its them because they were mean to the younger chicks and are kept separate. im not sure of their exact age maybe 2-3 months old. any help will be appreciated thank you
its all reddish runny poo squiggles kinda like a kid whose ate too much food coloring, but all they have access to is chick food pellets and we gave them some gravy 2 days ago but they apparenty dont like gravy
It's probably either worms or cocci. I figure all chickens have worms so I'd go ahead and do it. Also pick up some Sulmet (I think) is what you need for the cocci. It wouldn't hurt to do both treatments but if they seem healthy otherwise, do the worming first so you'll know what it is.
thanks for the help, i have them all on a medicated chk starter diet,and they seem health other than the poo scare, i've only had this new flock for about 2 weeks and since tennessee seems to be polluted with raccoons lately i was worried about worms.i have trapped 3 raccoons in the last 2 weeks. i'm hoping it was a family unit and this will be the end of it, but i doubt it.

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