Do New Hens need time to acclimate ??


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
I am very new to raising chickens, I just got my first 6 hens yesterday.. I am assuming that there will be a short period for the hens to acclimate before they start producing eggs. As far as I know they have laid eggs already, just not with me . Any tips would be helpful.....
Welcome to BYC!

Yes, your girls may need some time to acclimate before laying again. I purchased laying hens last year. One had laid before but two were of age to be laying and I was told they should begin laying very soon. The hen that was already laying provided us with an egg on day 3 after the move to our place. The other two hens waited TWO MONTHS! I thought they'd never lay! I think maybe they were younger than I was told as they both began laying within a week of each other.

Hope that your girls start laying for you soon!
Howdy from Kansas, danielle19, and
! Great to have you in our community! Yes, your hens will need a little time to adjust. Do you know how old they are?
They are 6 months. Funny when I got home from work there were 3 eggs!!!! 2 are Rhode Island reds, 2 plymouth rocks and I am not sure what the last 2 are

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