Do possoms kill chickens!


10 Years
Jul 26, 2009
Chenango Forks NY
Are possoms likely to kill my chickens? My SD was coming home last night and there was one in the road. It run up the road, up the driveway and right under our house! It would be almost impossible to enclose around the house, we are having an addition built in a few weeks and it would be pointless. I am thinking that he has been here for awhile if he knew right where to go. I have not had any attacks yet and everyone is locked up nice and tight at night. There is no food left out that would attract him. SO the real question is, do I leave the possom alone and hope he goes on his way or do I get rid of him?
Yes they will very quickly .. I would get a trap set asap... And finish it off.. They will eventually kill a chicken its just a matter of time.. Oppusums at my house dont live long ..
Opossums are usually nocturnal and with your chickens locked up nice and tight at night there likely won't be a problem. They're all over my area and I've never had a problem (and it's been close to a decade) because my feathered friends are locked up tight at night also. Opossums usually opt for smaller food sources though when people do not have a secure coop there have been reports of problems with chickens (more often with the eggs). JJ
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YES!!!! Deffinately!!! I dispatch all of them I see. I do it as quickly and humainly as possible. BUT they gotta go! Coons, Possums, Coyotes, wild dogs, Snakes, Skunks, weasels, I try not to mess with the winged ones unless they become a problem. Some of the winged ones are protected so you have to be careful. Personally, I say "PROVE IT was me!" I will protect my family and property (animals Included) with all force nessecery and available, Regardless of Number of legs, paws, feet, or wings!

Good Luck and God Bless!
Remember, he's just doing what is natural to him.

IF you were an animal and you found a cage full of food, wouldn't you stick around, especially in this cold????

There are a few people on here who have predators scouting around their animals.
Maybe I'm just weird, but we've had foxes and coyotes run around our property. They KNOW better than to eat our birds or it'd be war!

If anything at all, you should trap and release him elsewhere or make sure your coop is Fort Knox!
If he gets in and kills them, it'll mainly be your fault (not like, Oh I'm going to spank you, but it'll show you how your coop needs more improvement LOL)
It is iilegal in most States to trap and release predators, you can trap most but it iilegal to release them someplace else......

Just kill it, will save you some eggs or chicken later.
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...does Elizabeth Taylor know the wedding march??
If your chickens are locked up at night there is little threat from a possum during the day. Actually last week I was out with my chickens about 5:00 giving them some free range time (I can't go in the hawks just wait for me to walk inside). I noticed some of the hens started walking towards the back fence with heads held high, head cocked to one side, obviously very interested in something. I watched and then I spotted the possum climbing the chain link fence and onto my property. When he climbed the fence the whole flock saw him, they all walked towards the possum getting within 5 -10 feet of him. ( I think it's the old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer).
I decided to just stand still and observe. The possum walked over to my garden pond got himself a drink. When he was finished drinking he raised his head and looked about and what he saw was approximately 48 eyes staring at him. He paused a good 30 seconds before he moved. He did move towards the chickens in a slow deliberate pace. The chickens kept their 5-10 feet distance but followed him all the way across the yard approximately 200 feet. My Delaware rooster was leading the charge and at any moment I thought he was going to go in for a spur but never did. He spurred a dead racoon a couple weeks ago but I guess a moving predator was just too much for his nerves.

The possum never made a threatening move towards the chickens, honestly I think he was more intimidated by 24 chickens stalking him then they were of him. Possums can't move that fast and I think any healthy chicken could get away from a possum during the day.
Those are just my thoughts and experiences.
The answer to your question is YES!

If you do a quick search you will find that the forum is full of stories of opposums attacking and eating chickens. I would encourage you to read their stories.

Of, course, you'll also get folks telling you that they are kind and gentle creatures and that if your coop is fortified, your chickens will be safe.

That may be true...until the day comes that you forget to close up the chickens or get detained somewhere and can't get the coop closed on time. It happens to everyone.
Possoms really like eggs but will also kill chickens. Possoms are night hunters and the chickens are stuck on a roost at night. The chickens cannot see at night so they are pretty helpless.

If you find one dead chicken in your coop and the vent area has been eaten, it was probably a possom. If you find more than one chicken dead and the vents are eaten (often with intestines pulled out), it was probably a member of the weasel family.

One evening just after dusk when I went down to lock my chickens in the coop, I discovered a possom in the coop with them. I discovered a shovel, properly utilized, was adequate to deal with the problem both while the possom could move, then the next morning when he could no longer move.

I don't want to be callous about it but I will protect my chickens. I also will not transport the animal the ten to fifteen miles it would probably take to keep it from coming back home, then turn it lose so it can be a problem for someone else.

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