Do Roos Start Crowing Full Blast? Or Do They Work Up to It?


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
Memphis, TN
So, I posted some pics in the Gender/Breed section and it was generally agreed that I have at least 4, maybe 5 roos out of six chicks that hatched about 9 weeks ago. So far I haven't heard any weird crowing, though.
My question is, should I expect loud crowing right off the bat? Or do they sort of work up to the full deal?
I can't keep any of them due to where I live, and just need to start planning on how soon I need to start getting rid of them.

No, they start out sounding like a dying frog and practice a whole lot to get better (and LOUDER)
My sebright roo just started crowing today. I ran outside to see which of my younger chicks was getting mauled to death (started introducing 4wks with the 7wk chicks). It sounded like something was crushing one of the younger chicks. Nope. Just my sebright sounding like a little freak. It was pretty quiet, once I saw him I realized he stretched out as if crowing and no noise came out more than he actually squeaked/croaked.
mine sounded like a turkey lol but that roo was killed .. my other young roo sounded like a thump like something falling lol he was a loud and deep crowing rooster but he was killed ... but after a while of crowing they will get the hang of it
Thanks all. I heard some weird noises this morning, but I assumed one of the older ladies got after one of the chicks. Might have been an attempted crow after all. I'll investigate.

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