Do silkies get along with orpingtons?


8 Years
Sep 17, 2011
Some where over the rainbow
Hi everyone. I just saw the most adorable silkie on craigslist, and I was wondering if my flock would beat her up. I have 5 opingtons, 1 aracauna, 1 huge blue cochin rooster, 2 young leghorn cockerals, 1 RIR.

Would it be bad to introduce a strange bird like this into the flock? Any help is greatly appreciated.

I can give you advice how I introduce new birds to my flock. I have a rather large avairy that is 20'x40' that I have pheasants, ducks and chickens all in. I have a rather large cage that I built, and when I introduce new birds into the avairy, I put them in it for a few days, right in the middle of the avairy so the other birds get used to seeing them, and after about a week, at NIGHT I let the newbie birds out.

I haven't had a problem yet!! Good luck
Thankyou so much! I am getting her! And a white one! I am so excited!

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