Do They Work - Electric Fences


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Interested in anyone experience with the standard 4' x 164' poultry electric netting. Does it keep out predators (those on the ground) during the day? If you have specifically used Kencove's Posi/Neg fencing I would also be interested in your satisfaction with it.

Thanks for responding to my post.

Have no clue ! I got this st up for Xmas and will put It all up in Spring...It appears to be a great fix to predators but only time will tell....Were buying 2 more fencing panel set ups to give them a lot of space ....we just wanted something to protect the girls if we don't make it home on time for an early lock up....
]I guess it would depend upon what types of predators you are trying to deter. I am not a real believer in the electric poultry netting as an effective means for detering larger and more determined predators like bobcats, bears and even raccoons. I have opted for a five wire electric fence that surrounds my entire coop and run.

The Pos-Neg fence is the one we use. I'm happy with it. Only been used one year now but havn't had any dogs coons or possums get in yet. Have had a fox snooping around but we havn't had any problems with him getting in either. I plan on getting another roll this spring to enlarge our area.


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