Do turkey vultures kill chickens?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 2, 2008
Whitby, Ontario Canada
Hi there. With the recent warm weather up here in Southern Ontario, two turkey vultures(sometime three) have arrived and have started roosting on my barn. During the day they circle around the property getting lower and lower until they eventually land. Will they attack the chickens? Should I be concerned? So far they have not shown any aggresion towards them while they are free ranging, however, I have been with them at all times just in case.

Thanks in advance,

I agree. If they ate live chickens I wouldn't have any chickens left. I can't look at the sky during the day that there aren't vultures flying around.
"The Turkey Vulture, contrary to popular belief, does not feed strictly on carrion. This bird enjoys plant matter as well, including shoreline vegetation, pumpkin, and bits of other crops. The Turkey Vulture soars above the ground for most of the day, searching for food with its excellent eyesight and highly developed sense of smell.
Extremely unagressive and non-confrontational, the Turkey vulture will not feed on live prey, an occasional habit of its cousin the black vulture."
I agree with the previoius post. We have many Black Vultures flying around us. They have never bothered my birds even when they are out in the pastures free ranging.
I am not sure what you are thinking as turkey vultures, but yes they do take chickens. We have lost 15 young free range hens to these this year already. We have witnessed them take chickens out of the field in the afternoon. They are also increasing in number in our area. Our neighbors down the road have had the same thing happen. In the past, I would not have thought it but now I know they will. I had thought they would only eat dead animals but now know for a fact they will take chickens. So beware of them. They will leave a circle of feathers on the ground where the bird was taken from and that is it. We found one hen that got dropped and it had talon marks on its back and lung area. I'm sure it died quite quickly.

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