do turkeys lay eggs in the winter what do they look like


11 Years
May 15, 2008
I have 2 white heritage turkeys in with my chickens (they insisted kept flying over to join the hens), I have been getting some weard pointy eggs that I thought where from my pullet golden comets since they where pointy and yhey are light tan with dark spots but yesterday I got the hugest egg and today a regular size one but the turkey was over in the corner of the coop with the egg and she didnt seem to want to move so I could take the egg. what do you think is it pullets or turkey eggs. one day I had 3 another reason I figured comets there is only 1 female turkey.
Spotted and pointy, yep turkey! Usually they dont lay in winter though, do you have supplemental lighting or heat lamp?, that would do it!
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I have light but no heat just lots of shavings and not drafty. so I took the 8 eggs over the past week and we ate some should I let her keep them or what.
well she has a male turkey out there with her so maybe fertile I dont know. If she wants babies I dont care but I wont keep them its too cold to bring them in the house and they stink real bad. I had some in the house for 4 weeks and was cleaning several times a day and opening windows pee uuuw. will she lay eggs in the spring?

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