do you candle and weigh eggs under a broody?


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I have some eggs under a broody and some in the incubator. I obviously can watch the incubator ones closer and I candle them and will weigh them.

what do I do with the ones under my broody? I checked them at day 4. how often should I check them or should I just let them be? Should I worry about air cells etc since it isn't like I can control the humidity unless I take them from her and put them in the incubator. Or just candle to be sure they are developing?
well where I already did it day 3 should I check again day 10 and 18? I know 2 under her had development on day 3. 2 were darker eggs so not sure. and her 2 eggs under her 1 didn't look like anything and 1 was a ? but don't think there was anything.
well where I already did it day 3 should I check again day 10 and 18? I know 2 under her had development on day 3. 2 were darker eggs so not sure. and her 2 eggs under her 1 didn't look like anything and 1 was a ? but don't think there was anything.
I would just do day 18 on the darker ones.
I would just do day 18 on the darker ones.
ok. what about hers that are lighter that I wasn't sure? the one in the incubator of hers I can see very clear (but it is also darker but even the one time on day 3 I did it during the day I could see it).

I did it on day 4 when she was off the nest so I don't bother her. I don't evne open the nest box to get the other eggs my other girls are laying instead I go in the coop and get them since I figure that is less stressful for her. I have made her get off her box once since she wasn't off the day before and hadn't been off at all that day (I let her go one day with out being off then if she doesn't for a 2nd day I make her) and I had to put her back on her own eggs once after she came back (thank God for camera's that I can watch and she normally goes off after I am home from work so I can be sure she goes to the right box, which she has only messed up once since she went full on broody)
ok. what about hers that are lighter that I wasn't sure? the one in the incubator of hers I can see very clear (but it is also darker but even the one time on day 3 I did it during the day I could see it).

I did it on day 4 when she was off the nest so I don't bother her. I don't evne open the nest box to get the other eggs my other girls are laying instead I go in the coop and get them since I figure that is less stressful for her. I have made her get off her box once since she wasn't off the day before and hadn't been off at all that day (I let her go one day with out being off then if she doesn't for a 2nd day I make her) and I had to put her back on her own eggs once after she came back (thank God for camera's that I can watch and she normally goes off after I am home from work so I can be sure she goes to the right box, which she has only messed up once since she went full on broody)
You can do whatever you feel comfortable doing, it won't hurt anything. :)
I just have hundreds of things to do already and if I can't see in my really dark eggs I just wait to candle them before lockdown.
I have some eggs under a broody and some in the incubator. I obviously can watch the incubator ones closer and I candle them and will weigh them.

what do I do with the ones under my broody? I checked them at day 4. how often should I check them or should I just let them be? Should I worry about air cells etc since it isn't like I can control the humidity unless I take them from her and put them in the incubator. Or just candle to be sure they are developing?
You can do whatever you feel comfortable doing, it won't hurt anything. :)
I just have hundreds of things to do already and if I can't see in my really dark eggs I just wait to candle them before lockdown.
ok. ya think I will check the 4 that I can see in around day 10 (she seems to get off the nest every other day lately and not every day) so guess as close as I can to day 10 that she is off and I am able to get out there. And be sure those are doing something. Then just wait on the darker ones so I don't stress myself out.. Well should say TRY to wait since knowing me when I get out there I will have to take a quick look in hopes I can see something. LOL
what do I do with the ones under my broody? I checked them at day 4. how often should I check them or should I just let them be?
I would probably candle sometime around day 7-10 and throw out any that are not developing. For any that are too dark to see, I would just leave them and hope for the best.

Should I worry about air cells etc since it isn't like I can control the humidity unless I take them from her and put them in the incubator.
If you aren't going to change anything, I wouldn't bother (unless you're just curious, because I think curiosity is a fine reason to do things!)

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