Do you count your chickens before bed?

I count my chickens before/after I feed them, before/after I let them out to free range, and also when I put them too bed. I also like to count every once in awhile. I check on them often mainly because we have lots of predators here and it would be awful to lock one out of the coop.
One of ours got locked out of the coop by our chicken/house sitter when we were on vacation, the night before we got home. (sitter said it was the FIRST time he had not counted them, because he was in a big hurry that night.) She was a big Americauna and somehow ended up in our next-door-neighbor's yard for 8 days until, when driving by, we saw her. Apparently the neighbor saw her but thought she was an owl (??). There was a berm with trees on it, and however she got over there, she did not figure out how to get back here. She was hungry but fine! She did not come back willingly (too spooked) so sitter came back and had to climb a pine tree to grab her at night!

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