Do you free range your chickens?

I only let mine free range when both the dog and I can be out there to supervise. We have a pair of red shouldered hawks that live close by and stalk the yard. We also have fox, coyote, mountain lion, raccoons, eagles, etc. Someday I would love to have a larger property and some protective dogs to keep predators away, and the chickens could run around all day long. I really think free ranging is best for them if there’s a large property with lots of forage options. It also helps if the chickens have grown up free ranging, so that they are more predator savvy. If I suddenly let mine free range all day, they’d be knocked off by predators in no time. And on only 2/3 of an acre, there just isn’t enough forage.
I free range most of my flock 24-7. Most of the free rangers roost in trees. I probably have more predators than most here on the board. Its first up to the chickens to be alert and agile. Second, my free range dogs keep most of the 4 legged predators a healthy distance away. Sometimes possums will make forays into the yard but to no effect on the chickens.

Hawks are just a fact of live and the chickens really should be able to outwit raptors most of the time.

Coyotes play the wind to make raids when the dogs can’t smell them, but the coyotes never are successful at catching chickens to my knowledge. They will catch turkeys and guineas if the hens go set in my blueberry fields.
I live in town with my ten chickens. (1 rooster) I got the rooster to scare off the neighborhood dogs that might come across my flock.. but a big dog can still take them all out… So after okaying it with all the neighbors, my flock free ranges for half of each day. Or at least a hour or two. I also have two dogs, that bark at every sound or walking human/dog… so when i spot a stray dog or a threat i run into the coop with bread, call out like a chicken 😂 and wait for the flock to bombard me. (I’ve trained them with bread to come when i sqwak like a chicken (should’ve thought it through and chosen a less dumb sounding call 😂). And the couple of bone heads that think they can stay out.. i just lay a treat trap and snatch um up. No kills yet.. but I’m overly paranoid and always on lookout.

Don’t know if any of that helps but it’s working for me. I’m still a “noob” of sorts.. only been a chicken tender for a little over two years. 🤷‍♀️
I just started letting out here and there to free range (4 acre property). They love it but I only allow them out when I can be present. Honestly I was worried about them running off but they really don't wander too far. Mostly follow me around the backyard. I can recall them fairly consistently by voice and very easily by shaking a bag. ( They will do anything for dried mealworms lol). My biggest predators are hawks and vultures. We do have some ground predators but I really think my large lab keeps those at bay. What it really comes down to is your comfort and what you feel is safe for your flock. Nothing else.
I free range mine, three acres. My neighbors feed them so they get their yards as well, we all have 1 acre so 3 all together. They never wander far, I’ve only had predatory issues twice and that’s because my neighbors cat was starving so he went after Bloo my chick and then my disabled chicken got taken by a bird since she couldn’t run very well and my rooster didn’t protect my flock, but chickens are very smart and very good at hiding. All they need is places to hide and their food and water I heard should be kept under a roof so it doesn’t encourage wild animals to use it.
I personally love free ranging, my flock is so happy and I get super orange yolks in the summer
Chickens love to free range more than anything. I live in the suburbs on a 1/2 acre lot. I have a fenced in area for my chickens. We have several predators including hawks. Last year I lost several chickens even within the fenced in area. My girl Esme started flying over the fence and free ranging herself in my yard and the neighbors yard. I let the other two out too for only an hour or so to keep Esme company. Then a hawk came & killed Esme last Tuesday. I think it was because she was white & easy to see from the sky. Then the same day Ethel got sick and died which left only one chicken. I brought 4 chicks on Saturday so my one remaining bird will have friends. Moving forward I think I am going buy a large walk in run with a roof & just let them out when I am around to supervise. It’s hard trying to give them a good quality of life and keeping them safe.🤷🏼‍♀️
My flock are determined to free range. Drives my husband nuts. They haven't quite hit up the woods yet but the neighbors swing set is very popular this week. Thank goodness they have started laying eggs for bribes.
I have schemes for relocating more wire fencing along the property line and maybe the swale to the woods. Fallen leaves are apparently irresistible and their run is too shaded and boring?
We haven't had any predator losses yet, but I suspect it is a matter of time. Figure a fox can only carry off one at a time and the rooster has been doing his bantam best to get back at the (very bad) dog so that's good practice.
Once my hens were old enough (started laying), I felt comfortable enough to let them out of their pen in the morning. They expressed a great desire to roam freely and explore their surroundings.
I would consider the following:
1) do the chickens have enough shelter if they need to hide; trees to hide under from hawks, shorter 8ft branches to hop onto to flee from dogs?
2) Do they exhibit any signs that they want to roam freely? Mine caused a ruckus trying to hop through the screens
3) can you be present in case they call for help - they’ll scream their heads off usually if they need help.
4) are you ok with the fact that you might lose one or two until they figure out predators are real and they must proceed with caution?

Hope this helps you come to a decision. Personally, my flocks seem much happier and wiser roaming freely during the day. Cooped chickens can become aloof. They always come home at dusk and I close up their pen for the night. Happy as can be 😁

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