Do you free range your chickens?

So I’ve been terrified to let my girls free range for many reasons. One I’m worried they won’t come back (silly I know). Two I’m worried about predators. We live on about 25 acres so lots of possibilities. We have had issues with our neighbors young dogs jumping the fence so they are my main concern besides cats. Most other predators come out at night. Thoughts? Am I nuts? My family thinks I’m over thinking it. PSA they have a big outdoor area and we have 20 chickens.
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Your flock reminds me of another era in time. Beautiful birds! and coming from a free ranger, I would say don't do it if you're this attached and are aware of free ranging dogs.

Just invest in an Aviary or keep a couple of Anatolian Shepherds.
The flock I had previously free ranged on the chain linked 1/2 acre that is our backyard and never lost a one to any predators. But they were all heavier breeds and the flock we have now is a mixture and has about six birds that can fly way too well. We are afraid they would just jump up and over the 4ft fence to our neighbors yard who has a Bernese/Swiss Mountain Dog and a Lab mix who would love a chicken dinner. So we have to keep them contained in a large run but therefore they don’t get any grass anymore because they’ve wiped it out. Come spring we’re going to try fencing off what used to be a garden area that is adjacent to their current run so they’ll have extra room . I wish we could free range but I’m afraid we’ll lose half of them . ☹️
So I’ve been terrified to let my girls free range for many reasons. One I’m worried they won’t come back (silly I know). Two I’m worried about predators. We live on about 25 acres so lots of possibilities. We have had issues with our neighbors young dogs jumping the fence so they are my main concern besides cats. Most other predators come out at night. Thoughts? Am I nuts? My family thinks I’m over thinking it. PSA they have a big outdoor area and we have 20 chickens.
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Similar situation here. Always a risk of course, but freedom always does! Cats are not generally a problem, hens are a bit big for them! Strange dogs (and foxes etc.,) can be a threat of course - foxes are the main worry, they act first and the chickens generally dont make it! All you can do is your best. Ours have a big garden to roam in and there is generally someone (or something i.e. geese, house dogs etc.,) that let you know if something is wrong. However, foxes are clever and wait in ambush so be aware and if you can fence in the free ranging area. Stoats and weasels and similar are also game for getting chickens - small diameter fencing helps but you cannot guarantee safety without being confined. Best of luck and if you do lose some, they had a good time up to that point, learn from it and just do the best you can. You will never beat nature but you can slow it down a bit....
I have an acre, a large walk-in coop and a 6 foot wooden fence around the majority of the property.

I have no issues free ranging. My dogs and cats are on board with farm life and do their jobs.

I do worry about flying predators, but the single hawk who took a shot ended up losing several tail feathers to the German Shepherd who pounced on him with what I can only describe as joyful glee and barely escaped with his life when the dog, the chicken he chose (and he chose poorly) and the long fanged gargoyle of a black cat all declared open season on him. He got away, but everyone had a mouth/beak full of feathers. Since then, I see hawks fly over. They land in my trees. None seem to want to test my biosecurity.
I have an acre, a large walk-in coop and a 6 foot wooden fence around the majority of the property.

I have no issues free ranging. My dogs and cats are on board with farm life and do their jobs.

I do worry about flying predators, but the single hawk who took a shot ended up losing several tail feathers to the German Shepherd who pounced on him with what I can only describe as joyful glee and barely escaped with his life when the dog, the chicken he chose (and he chose poorly) and the long fanged gargoyle of a black cat all declared open season on him. He got away, but everyone had a mouth/beak full of feathers. Since then, I see hawks fly over. They land in my trees. None seem to want to test my biosecurity.
Sounds like an excellent Security Team you have on duty!
Sounds like an excellent Security Team you have on duty!
Squirrels have never been allowed on my property until recently. 1 Squirrel has been allowed to eat sunflower seeds from the feeders. I was a tad shocked. The team doesn't bother the ducks or cow birds that land either. But neighborhood cats and dogs are unwelcome.

They seem to be able to discern a predator from a 'visitor'. It's weird, but it works.
Squirrels have never been allowed on my property until recently. 1 Squirrel has been allowed to eat sunflower seeds from the feeders. I was a tad shocked. The team doesn't bother the ducks or cow birds that land either. But neighborhood cats and dogs are unwelcome.

They seem to be able to discern a predator from a 'visitor'. It's weird, but it works.
Lol. Perhaps the One Squirrel gave the dogs back massages. Back massages count for a lot, especially if they are free.

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