Do you have a chicken that comes when called?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I'm not talking about the whole flock that comes running when you make whatever noise you've trained them to, or when you have food; but a single chicken that will come when called.
Lil' Bit, (the hen formally known as Airhead) does and I was just wondering if she's a rarity.
Her other little trick is to follow the flock down the hill away from the house and then scream until I walk down there and give her a ride back. My SO says she's spoiled. Yeah right, like you can actually spoil a chicken.
My daughter is 6 and she has a sex-link that she has names girl-friend...and when my daughter is out in the yard and calls girl-friend only the one comes running...she can hold this chicken like a baby and walk all over the place as where the rest of the family cant get near her..
My chicken Alice II comes when she is called. More impressive, however, is that I have taught my bunny to come when she is called - that was much harder!
ummmm SO is right...she is spoiled. I have 5 of them just like her.

My SLW "speckles", my light brahma "Lilly", my EE "Sandy" and one BA "Molly" come to their name being called. Speckles rides with me in the van to go to my fav coffee shop, Sandy has gone to school with the DD several times and they both get very testy when they do not get their way or you do not give hem enough attention.

This is Sandy watching TV with DD in her bedroom...


Oh the picture of Speckles, Sandy and Lilly being totally un-chickenlike could go on forever. So can spoil a chicken! hehehehehehe
Yep, my partridge silkie pullet comes when called. I say.. Peppi, peppi peppi peppiiiiiiiiiiiii... and she comes running right for me. Shes the chick in my avatar.
My old, fat rooster, "King Comb," came when he was called.

The exchange would go something like this:

Me: "King Comb! ... King Comb!"

Him: ::confused cluck:: "Gluck?"

Me: "King Comb!"

Him: ::exclamation of excitement and happiness:: "Gluck!!"

::waddling run from one side of the yard to the other::

Me: "Here, King Comb!" ::sprinkling scratch on the ground::

Him: ::examining seeds:: "Tk, tk, TK, tk! Tkkkk, tk, tk, tk, tk, tk, tk, tk..."

::frenzied pecking interspersed between exclamations of "Gluck!" and "Gluuuuuck!"::

I loved that bird...
Oh Lord, do I!
I've got a little buff orp chick, Baby, who thinks I"m his momma. At first it was cute, but believe me it gets old fast! When I walk he has to be on top of my feet. I've kicked him a hundred times.
He needs cuddles or he just bawls and bawls. He's so spoiled.
He only needs to hear my voice and he comes flapping. The poor thing can't even enjoy the outdoors when I let the babies wander. He has to be on my head, my lap or my shoulder 24/7, and if I"m not nuzzling him or stroking him he wails.

I love him to death, but for God sakes he needs to get a life
He's gonna be one sweet roo.
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