Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

Oh my WORD!!!! There should be a "BEWARE" sign on this thread warning of the torrent of accusation and sanctimonious yuk (I felt like using another couple words, but am showing restraint :D) that you will encounter if you dare share a view that is opposed to the "NEVER kill a predator" and "guns are from the devil' train of thought. Sheeeeesh already!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Chickortreat. I can completely understand why you had to delete your posts, I, for one appreciated your thoughts and am sorry about the abuse you got every time you said something.
Thanks for the "support". I didn't have to delete them, but I'm sick and tired of all the silly responses. Somebody thinks that the lowly common man doesn't have the right to defend himself. Fine. I'll stick to minding my own business. And the phone won't be the first thing I grab if/when I hear a window break in the night. Good luck to all you 911ers. 45-minute response time ain't a comfort to me.
I live in the Northern part of the Midwest. Big National Forests surrounding us. Wolves, Bear, Cats, down to Coons, Mink, Martins. And of course the untouchable Bald eagles, hawks, owls. And I'm chickening here! Ha!

My birds free range during the day. I've got a good watchful Roo that scuttles them into the woods or under a picnic table or deck for an aerial assault. But if a Raccoon is in my yard it's a goner, with a .22 bullet. A family of Raccoons lost out this summer due to their attraction to my coop.

My coop is sturdy and I take heart in that. Taking out a 4 legged predator of any sorts will happen here. I don't take it lightly and there's a part of me that knows I've brought them here with grain in the garage to smell and chicken smells all over. That I've interrupted their normal habitat and food attraction with my yard o' plenty. But I made a decision to live here which did that anyway. I have apple trees and a garden that do that. If I want any of that or reward of that, I have to make those hard decisions everytime my husband or I pull the trigger, within hunting and protection laws, of course.
Um, guys....this is the INTERNET. People "might" dare to have a differing viewpoint than yours once in awhile.
Yes, everyone does what THEY feel is appropriate to protect their chickens. I happen to believ that removing their food sources and habitat from my property is the first line of defense. A great, sturdy chicken house and run is also critical. But if others wish to free range their birds, and shoot everything that steps foot on the property, that's their choice as well. To each his own. Not a big deal. Take a breath. Again, this is the internet where opinions are plentiful.
Um, guys....this is the INTERNET. People "might" dare to have a differing viewpoint than yours once in awhile.
Yes, everyone does what THEY feel is appropriate to protect their chickens. I happen to believ that removing their food sources and habitat from my property is the first line of defense. A great, sturdy chicken house and run is also critical. But if others wish to free range their birds, and shoot everything that steps foot on the property, that's their choice as well. To each his own. Not a big deal. Take a breath. Again, this is the internet where opinions are plentiful.
I agree. There is no right or wrong here, especially in the eyes of the law. :) Heck, if we ever get a raccoon I'd most likely cook it for dinner and call it a meal. Why waste good meat?
We are not friendly to predators on our property. We keep a live trap and it literally has something in it every week that has been lurking outside the coop. Usually possums, and we had one possum get into the coop and there was a bit of blood as if he'd gotten in a fight with a chicken and nobody won. We don't take predators lightly or relocate. If given the chance, they will continue to reproduce, outnumber your flock and decimate it.
Once we tried to "save" some baby raccoons because they were "cute". Needless to say it didn't end well. We were almost bit and decided it wasn't worth the risk. They are mean from the time they are little. We live near a nature preserve and there is plenty there for them to feast on, but predators keep returning to our yard where they are not welcome.
loved the comment about the 22, just had to use mine this past week to scare off a vulture circling my LIVE flock. I thought they only ate dead stuff. I don't have a rooster so I have to do the work!

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