Do you have to have a rooster?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
I know you don't have to have a rooster to have eggs, but if I'm not free-ranging my hens is there any ornitho-social-therapeutic reason to have one? Do they serve any other useful purpose?

I only have 4 chickens and not a lot of space, and I really don't want a crowing bird. That, and I was attacked by a lot of roosters as a kid and frankly I don't like them that much. I have friends with oodles of chickens so if I ever want fertile eggs to hatch, I know where to get them.

But I'm curious if there's a benefit for flock animals to having a male around. Any thoughts?
Oh, goodness. There are LOTS of good reasons to have one, but you certainly do not HAVE to have one! They protect the flock. They They're gorgeous to look at. They keep peace within the flock. And the crowing is way kewl!

Also, somtimes when you have a flock of girls with no rooster, one of the girls takes on that role and can actually stop laying eggs as a result. I don't know how common it is, but it happens.
I guess it's the "peace-keeping" aspect I'm interested in. I have a Blue Andalusian who's definitely the alpha female, but so far she's laying. That's interesting, though.

And crowing is cool if the birds are 100' off behind the house, but our coop is literally a foot away from the bedroom window! And our neighbors aren't much further away either. Ah, city livin'!

With only 4 hens & little space, you really don't need a rooster. I have larger flocks & I think the roosters help make it a more balanced bird society, plus they help the hens find good food and they signal when there is danger. Your hens probably won't even know what they're missing, and will instead enjoy getting to watch the daytime TV shows they prefer without some guy hogging the remote.
Wynette makes some good points. If you like hearing the rooster crow at all hours, you could get one. Most are beautiful birds. Here is the flip to what Wynette posted.....

SOME roosters will protect their flock, others will hide before the hens take all the good spots.

SOME roosters will keep peace within the flock, others will only get involved so they can get in a few "licks" themselves.

SOME roosters will be nice to the ladies and share treats, others call the hens to come near them and then jump them. Or will chase them from any treats they may find.

SOME roosters have such a bad rep with the ladies, that the hens will run away from the rooster if they see him headed in their direction....

Unless you want to hatch chicks from your own hens, there is no need for a rooster.
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