Do you make your kids eat what they are served?

Wow, 8 pages! Thanks so much for all your replies. I guess we had a small victory tonight. They didn't like the sloppy joes tonight, so I made them make their own PB&J sandwiches with 1/2 banana each. And DH didn't say a word, but that could be attributed to other things than being OK with the idea.

I really appreciate all the replies and I feel much better about the whole deal.

I laughed so hard when I read this one!

"My parents divorced and my mom had a different take on it she would say try it. It will not kill you to try it. And I would usually try the vegetables, etc."

I laugh because my aunt in Houston once told me that over something she fixed for dinner and I told her I couldn't (not wouldn't, couldn't) eat it. I was 16 and she decided I was just being a spoiled brat and she made me take a tast of this odd looking dish,,,, it had Walnuts in it, I'm deathly allergic to Walnuts. She never said that again, after I got out of the hospital emergency room, swollen, red, and miserable.
Our kids fix ther own plates here. So I would have to say, yes, they eat what's on their plate (minus any type of bones). If we fix something new, I ask them to try it first, if they don't like it, O.K.

But usually we all get together and pick out recipes for the month so that we have meals that everyone likes.

Talking about childhood's mine. Our Daddy would make us eat the chicken bones until my brother just about choked to death on one. But even after that we could not leave anything on our plate, we even had to save a piece of bread to sop the plate with.
I feel better now.
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I don't have any food related childhood horrors. I do have an adult one though. We were at my DH's parents house for Thanksgiving one year and his mom was making the stuffing when she put a small can or jar of oysters in with the stuffing. I just about yakked right there
That's not a dig at anyone that likes them, to each his/her own. But man, if I hadn't seen her do it, I would have never known and I would have given myself a nice helping of that stuffing and embarrassed myself in front of everyone. I am very leery now when we eat over there.
We SORTA make our kids eat. Just a reasonable portion. A veggie at dinner - always. No punishing lima bean marathons, here.
DH & I both come from poor families. We ate what we could. Got alot of stuff from the garden. Now, we LOVE food, dining out & cooking. Our kids share that. We all have things we don't like, but can certainly make do at a buffet or potluck.
I just want to share an observation: My friends who have picky kids are: A) people with their own major food issues, B) really bad cooks, C) people who like to think their kids are soooo unique, D) people who live for drama. Or a combination of the above. The worst is a friend who is overweight and is pleased as punch that her DD is underweight. The kid lives on Poptarts and chips.
I believe food is a true pleasure & that anyone who can't enjoy good food has issues. That said; there's alot that qualifies as "good" & we need to help our kids explore that.
My son was extremely picky when he was a little boy so I would fix the plates and sit them on the table..I put the same things on his plate whether or not he liked them..the tomatoes and broccoli and all the stuff he yucked about and didn't say a word about it, just kept doing it..and eventually he "forgot" he did'nt like those things and just ate them!!! I can still laugh thinking about the first time I heard him talking about how much he "loved" tomatoes!!!! This..after yucking and hating them soooo much!!! Kids are so funny!!! He is a pretty good eater now actually so it worked for us!
I have horrible memories of my mom's friend forcing me to eat the 8 raw green beans and me gagging at that stupid kitchen table for two hours until my mom came to get me! we are talking about 30 years and i still hate that woman! So DEFINITELY NOT!!! my kids have a say what goes in! they know better than me what they like and how much will fit in their tum-tums!! I love them too much to make them miserable!!
I do this too. We call it the "you just have to look at it" rule. So funny when they forget and start eating it. Really hard to keep a straight face.

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