do you pity your lowest chicken?

I love the name!! yes she is beautiful....

The lowest on my pecking order gets the best treats, best attention (only when the rest are not looking), and more luvin... she knows it and i dont think she minds being lower on the pecking order now.
Yesterday my top hen had to be locked in her coop and my lowest hen hates being alone and will sit outside and make a super loud crow like scream. We try to keep the flock as silent as possible due to neighbor/zoning issues. So I brought her in to hang out with me. She is SO sweet! She napped in my lap then woke up and sung me a song/told me a story then followed me throughout the house happily trotting behind me like a puppy. My husband was busting up laughing. I just love this little girl. I tell her the others are jealous of her because she has the most beautiful feathers.




That's her as a baby
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There's only 4 in my flock and 2 are ducks. Everyone gets along well but if you observe them you'll see subtle signs to show who's top bird and whose not. I imagine it probably gets more difficult with more birds. My top girl is always first at my feet for treats and blackie (my lowest) is usually a few steps back patiently waiting for her turn. While they are scratching around the yard every once in awhile someone (duck or chicken) will peck her neck to remind her she's lowest its pretty quick and she let's out a quick squawk and moves on- so if you weren't watching you wouldn't notice. And on the rare occasion my big duck will grab her neck and hold her down- which is pretty violent looking so I try to intervien but it only lasts a few seconds so its over by the time I get there. And my girl duck will stand up tall and follow blackie around essentially pushing her back with her chest. Oh and everyone will steal her treats -altho I've seen her steal treats to BUT she usually steals and runs away with it. When they steal from her they just push her out of the way and eat it in front of her. Poor thing! Idk if that helps you figure it out or not.

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