Do you think she might lay eggs soon?


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Glocester, RI
I got my 3 chicks as pullets in July. I don't know how old they were, but I'm guessing about 8 weeks. Here's my barred rock, Blueberry, with my 4 year old granddaughter a couple of weeks ago.

Since then she (Blueberry) has started to develop wattles and her comb is getting a little bigger. Does this mean she's getting close to laying eggs? If my estimates are right, she's between 18 and 20 weeks old. What are my chances of having some fresh eggs for the holidays?
They say when the wattles/comb turn a deeper red color then they are close to laying. 18-22weeks is the start for most. I think you have an EGGcellent shot at having eggs for the Holidays!!!
Thanks. We think she's pretty special. Actually, she's the reason we got the chickens we did. 3 different breeds (Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans), 3 different egg colors. We're a very racially mixed family and I wanted her to see how natural it is to be both alike and different at the same time. You don't know what color the egg was by looking at the yolk you know.
Anyway, she and I are really looking forward to gathering eggs for the holidays.
Thanks. We think she's pretty special. Actually, she's the reason we got the chickens we did. 3 different breeds (Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans), 3 different egg colors. We're a very racially mixed family and I wanted her to see how natural it is to be both alike and different at the same time. You don't know what color the egg was by looking at the yolk you know.
Anyway, she and I are really looking forward to gathering eggs for the holidays.

that is an amazing philosophy --- you deserve a huge pat on the back for passing that along to your childrend/grandchildren

i know where you are coming from ... here me and my family 16 years ago
... i'm top right

my baby brother in this pic will be graduating high school this year

Well...this thread took a very nice detour! It made me smile.

Oh and Blueberry -

I bet she is does give you eggs before the holidays...if you don't count Columbus Day!
Very, very cool philosophy.
My pullets started laying at 17 weeks, much to my surprise, not long after their combs and wattles grew out and got red. So I agree! we will expect an announcement when the big event occurs. I hope your granddaughter is there to collect it. But I have a sneaking suspicion someone will make sure she discovers that first egg!
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