Do you wear a face mask to clean a backyard coop?

awesome thread, I hadn't give it much thought but I definitely see the advantages to PPE. I use a dust mask while working on my yard due to my allergies anyways.

I have rhuematoid and am on meds that lower my resistance. Im now fighting a lung condition not sure yet if it is histoplasmosis or not. I will tell you it is not fun. Wear a mask if you have other health issues for sure.
It depends on the draft of your coop, if there is a lot of draft then you probably don't need one, but if it's enclosed (shed, etc.) I would wear one, especially if kicking up dust. Think of it this way, there is ammonia in chicken poop, they use ammonia in chemicals, if you can't get good air to your lungs then you could die. When on a compartmentalized ship, if a solvent is spilled in a below deck compartment, it can kill you if you don't wear a mask.
I always were a mask; at least a N95 dust mask, available in the paint department at the big box stores. If you wait until your lungs are unhappy, that's not better! For those of us who already have issues, there's no turning back. All coops are dusty! Mary
I used to when I had the mini-coop (The 'Dawg Hawse') and used regular bedding. Mostly because it was so small, I had to bend down to do so (closer to the bedding/dust) and looking back really was inadequately ventilated. However in the much larger (and much better ventilated!) coop I have now and with the Coop Klean I find I don't have to, there is almost no dust. Although to be fair, I do only need to clean it once every 6 months or so thanks to the poop trays.
(best addition to a coop ever).

@lovepeeps I use granulated zeolite (PDZ) in my trays and I get no dust at all when I'm scooping, it's like scooping sand. Well it is sand if you think about it. It dries and clumps the poop so it scoops out easily with a regular kitty scoop and of course absorbs/neutralizes the ammonia to boot.
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Because I have sand in the bottom of my coop I just go out there everyday and clean out with a cat litter box scooper. This helps me from having a big cleanup each week. ( it also helps with the odor.)

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