Do your chickens drink beer?

My chickens are very interested in my beer and I tell them to go find a bug or something, you're not getting my beer!
So I'm taking that it won't hurt them, most just don't want to give them their's or don't have it to give. That right?

Newbe also! 1 DH, 2 Chihuahuas, eight chicks (not sure if 3 are Roos).
Ok, this post just made me laugh

My mother used to drink her beer with the horses and when I use to drink I would share my wine with my Australian Cattledog Zoe (lush). I have never heard of a chicken drinking beer. I do know as a chef, giving birds some liquor or alcohol of some sort before they go on the block will keep them relaxed so the meat stays tender.
Anyway it was a good laugh
I don't drink so sadly my girls will never see beer lol
But my uncle many years ago when I was a little girl took his chicken Lucy to the pub with him of an evening and she used to drink Newcastle Brown ale from a small bowl he took to the pub.
She loved it she was a house chicken she didn't live in a coop but stayed in the kitchen at night with the dogs and parrot People said although she looks like a chicken Lucy thought she was one of the dogs lol.

Sadly she has gone now but had a long and happy life so I guess it did her no harm.
When she was growing up, my friend's dad used to get the chickens drunk prior to inviting them to the dinner table. She said it made him feel better to give them a good last 'meal'.
i fail to see how it would harm them.... unless you let them keep their car keys

the carbonation may be an issue, but i think if you kept them under 2-3 cans, they should be fine.
During my start with chickens in B.C. (before computers), a recipe for tender chicken was "Get them drunk first" before butchering. (it does work)
Seriously?!?! Fermented products such as alcohol are not good for animals as they are more susceptible to cancers than humans... never give your chickens or any other animal alcohol, moldy food, or any other known carcinogen.


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