Do your chicks like your coop?

Mine like their coop at night but during the day, they free range and only come back to the run for water & feed. They maybe spend 20 minutes a day in there - eat, lay an egg, head on out again!
Mine seem ok with theirs (14 weeks old), but they are way too crowded. They will be moving to larger quarters in a couple of weeks, and I sincerely hope they like the new coop. (6x8 + an undefined (as of now) run rather than 4x3 + 4x5(attached run))

Anybody have any suggestions for easing the change? I know chickens hate change. I'm planning to use the same waterer, but the feeder will be different as will the roosts and nest boxes. Should I put some of the old shavings in the new nest boxes and on top of the clean shavings?
Yes, I think my chooks like their coop.
Of course, it isn't like they know anything else! The only 2 other places they've ever been is the feed store and the brooder, and they were wayyyy too big to stay in there!
Interesting thread. Will be watching to see everybody's responses.

Brightest Blessings
Wonder why?

I think is may be in the different breeds.

Your probably right . I have heritage RIR'S . I let them out every day for 2-3 hours every evening. They stay close to the coop & always Roost before its dark like 30 minutes before sunset.
Mine seem to love their coop. They're in & out all day. They go in to take naps all the time. What they really want, is to either free range or a bigger run. There's no way I can let them free range, but next spring they will get a bigger run.

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