Do your customers want white eggs?


10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
SE Louisiana
I wanted to get some Leghorns this week to add some white eggs to my basket. I already have light brown, aqua and olive. I should be getting some Cuckoo Marans next week from a good breeder - so those will be my dark brown additions.

A friend of mine said that she is getting rid of her white layers because her customers don't want white eggs in their cartons. (This is maybe 3 white eggs per dozen.) Apparently they seem too supermarket-ish.
Has anyone else had this problem? I thought the white would make a good overall basket of colors.
I have only given eggs away and nobody complained about the color. My mom hates pullet eggs because of their size, but ....

I hope to sell eggs this year though, I doubled my laying flock and all the pullets are brown layers so....if anybody doesn't like white eggs I guess I'll just eat those myself
I only have 3 Leghorns and they lay almost daily like little champs!!
Most folks I've talked to around here want the brown eggs because they consider them to be the "natural farm eggs". White eggs are what folks that get their eggs from the supermarket want.
I was thinking that too. Then I could market them as Farm Fresh Rainbow Eggs instead of just brown. I got brown and EE working on olive and Marans. Thought about a leghorn or two.
My customers want a Rainbow mix. White is always included in that mix and no one has ever complained. I have to say though that the EE eggs are a huge hit and most customers would take only the EE's if I could provide them!

My customers definately prefer brown eggs. Whites they equate to store bought. Green or blue from Easter eggers, most kinda look at funny and have questions. They are not sure of them.

So we eat the green ones normally.

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