Does a bottom hen normally stay alone?


Apr 3, 2022
West coast Canada
I have 21 week old chickens, 10 pullets and 1 cockerel, who grew up together and free range all day.
I started to notice one pullet being the bottom of the pecking order.
When I sprinkle treats on the ground, she moves away from the others and cries because she wants to eat the treats but she's too scared to.
I try to quietly go to her and give some but then other chickens come along and she runs away from them even before being pecked.
The cockerel seem to dislike her too.
He pecked her when they were the first two that arrived to get treats when other chickens were running behind.
Sometimes I see her with the whole flock but she's often alone dust bathing when the rest are foraging or sitting alone away from the flock when they are resting.
I think she shouldn't have too much problem with eating as they have free access to feed in the coop and there are lots of water bowls on the property. I also sprinkle feed outside where they hang out a lot.
I haven't seen her being bullied severely but she seems so scared of other chickens. Maybe she stays away from others even before they can bully her.

I wonder if she became the bottom of the pecking order because of me.
The first time I noticed her was a few days ago when she bit me in the leg. At that time I was about to give treats surrounded by the excited chickens.
All of a sudden she bit my leg twice, almost like pinching, so I kicked her lightly and put my knee towards her to see if she would bite me again. She did so I kicked her again, very lightly, and she moved away and stayed far from the other chickens while they were eating treats.
Could me looking hostile towards her possibly get other chickens to hate her?
Since then I started to pay attention to her for the first time and observed her not getting along with the other chickens. I'm not sure where or not she was like that before.

It's my first time keeping chickens so I don't know if it's normal for a chicken on the bottom of the pecking order spending time alone a lot and being scared of others.
At what point should I worry about her?
I read an article suggesting a bullied chicken be put in a pen alone with food until she gains confidence and relaxes around others.
I'm willing to try this but now my bottom chicken can go into the coop to eat and drink when others are far away and stays alone whenever she wants to in the bushes. So I'm not sure if she'll be happy locked in a small area.

How are other chickens on the bottom of the pecking order getting along with the flock?
I wondered if I should rehome her especially because the the rooster seems to dislike her. But what if the same thing happens to the next bottom chicken after she leaves?
I feel bad when she's alone but is it just normal for chickens?
I have 21 week old chickens, 10 pullets and 1 cockerel, who grew up together and free range all day.
I started to notice one pullet being the bottom of the pecking order.
When I sprinkle treats on the ground, she moves away from the others and cries because she wants to eat the treats but she's too scared to.
I try to quietly go to her and give some but then other chickens come along and she runs away from them even before being pecked.
The cockerel seem to dislike her too.
He pecked her when they were the first two that arrived to get treats when other chickens were running behind.
Sometimes I see her with the whole flock but she's often alone dust bathing when the rest are foraging or sitting alone away from the flock when they are resting.
I think she shouldn't have too much problem with eating as they have free access to feed in the coop and there are lots of water bowls on the property. I also sprinkle feed outside where they hang out a lot.
I haven't seen her being bullied severely but she seems so scared of other chickens. Maybe she stays away from others even before they can bully her.

I wonder if she became the bottom of the pecking order because of me.
The first time I noticed her was a few days ago when she bit me in the leg. At that time I was about to give treats surrounded by the excited chickens.
All of a sudden she bit my leg twice, almost like pinching, so I kicked her lightly and put my knee towards her to see if she would bite me again. She did so I kicked her again, very lightly, and she moved away and stayed far from the other chickens while they were eating treats.
Could me looking hostile towards her possibly get other chickens to hate her?
Since then I started to pay attention to her for the first time and observed her not getting along with the other chickens. I'm not sure where or not she was like that before.

It's my first time keeping chickens so I don't know if it's normal for a chicken on the bottom of the pecking order spending time alone a lot and being scared of others.
At what point should I worry about her?
I read an article suggesting a bullied chicken be put in a pen alone with food until she gains confidence and relaxes around others.
I'm willing to try this but now my bottom chicken can go into the coop to eat and drink when others are far away and stays alone whenever she wants to in the bushes. So I'm not sure if she'll be happy locked in a small area.

How are other chickens on the bottom of the pecking order getting along with the flock?
I wondered if I should rehome her especially because the the rooster seems to dislike her. But what if the same thing happens to the next bottom chicken after she leaves?
I feel bad when she's alone but is it just normal for chickens?
Usually my cockerel lets other pullets eat treats first and often does tidbitting for them. So I was surprised to see him peck the bottom chicken over the treats. It looked like he wanted other chickens eat them not her.
Usually my cockerel lets other pullets eat treats first and often does tidbitting for them. So I was surprised to see him peck the bottom chicken over the treats. It looked like he wanted other chickens eat them not her.
I have similar situation in my flock of 4 young hens and a roo of the same age, 21weeks. Three of the hens lay and the fourth doesn’t yet. She is at the bottom, seems a bit behind the others at all times and gets pushed out of food and sleeps on her own in the coop. I’ve seen the roo peck her at roosting, as do the other hens, even if the roo only did it once and the hens do as soon as she tries to y
join on the top roosting pin. It would be nice to know if this is normal, or a reaction to something (for instance lack of older hens, experienced roo, too small flock…). Mine live in my backyard, free range in my garden and get to visit the neighbors gardens now and then as well during the evening times.
I have similar situation in my flock of 4 young hens and a roo of the same age, 21weeks. Three of the hens lay and the fourth doesn’t yet. She is at the bottom, seems a bit behind the others at all times and gets pushed out of food and sleeps on her own in the coop. I’ve seen the roo peck her at roosting, as do the other hens, even if the roo only did it once and the hens do as soon as she tries to y
join on the top roosting pin. It would be nice to know if this is normal, or a reaction to something (for instance lack of older hens, experienced roo, too small flock…). Mine live in my backyard, free range in my garden and get to visit the neighbors gardens now and then as well during the evening times.
If the rooster pecks her only when they're roosting I wouldn't worry about it too much. My dozen chickens peck they're neighboring ones while settling down on the roost every single evening until it's too dark.
It'd be good to have enough space on the top roost for everybody but even if you do your bottom chicken still might have to sleep away from the others. Or she will take the pecking if she wants to stay.

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