Does a rooster kill hens?

So very sorry for your loss!

Mary is right. Despite its name, chicken wire is not adequate to protect chickens from small predators. Raccoons have been known to reach in and pull off chickens’ heads, and weasels certainly can get in. Half-inch hardware cloth is necessary.
But then, I wasn’t home most of the day. I did not go down to the “Poultry Palace” yesterday at all. This am when I went I was shocked to find my Americauna dead in the coop, and in the run Little Squirt & 6 mo old Leghorn just with skeletal remains!!! All my doorways and all surrounding chickwire fencing intact! One other hen has damaged comb with dried blood.
So 24+ hours to dine on it's prey....most likely a predator did the kills, but chickens will eat anything, even their flock mates carcasses.

All my doorways and all surrounding chickwire fencing intact!
Chicken wire, the hexagonal twisted wire mesh?
I'm guessing you need to fortify your run, pics would help here.
I suspect a predator. If you have a game camera, put it up because the predator will be back once it's made a kill and then you will know what you're dealing with.
Field rats tunnel under fences also. I lost one of my roosters this week. His head and neck were just bones when I found him. He was in a cage and the rat had pulled him through the cage. Cage was in very secure coop and run. I found the tunnel under another cage with roosters in. They weren't touched at all and everyone else was fine. I'm sorry about your losses.
Yesterday morning we heard a strange weird crow and figured out that our 5 month old Wyandotte that was so big was actually a rooster. We have a Bantam rooster. I did not hear him crow at all yesterday and “Little Squirt” was always crowing frequently thru the day. But then, I wasn’t home most of the day. I did not go down to the “Poultry Palace” yesterday at all. This am when I went I was shocked to find my Americauna dead in the coop, and in the run Little Squirt & 6 mo old Leghorn just with skeletal remains!!! All my doorways and all surrounding chickwire fencing intact! One other hen has damaged comb with dried blood.

Rats. They'll strip a carcass down to bones quickly. Other chickens might pick at it after they leave. Rats can get through VERY small holes, and burrow quickly and efficiently.

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