Hello all, new to this, brought a new house 3 months ago and inherited a bonzer chicken run complete with 11 hens. All good except none were laying, i guess through poor management as the residence had been vacant for 2-3 months. after 4-6 weeks and a lot of careful nurturing we had them up to 8-10 eggs a day !!! the kids decided around then that this was cool and wanted to explore the chemistry side of how it all happens as in a natural expansion of flock...I let this ride for 4 or so weeks but after much pestering i relented and we brought a nice young New Hampshire cock, a beautiful bird...settled in well, a few early brawls but all has settled down. Bad news is...egg production dropped over a few days to a average of 2-3 eggs per day...not good. It is now been 5 weeks of rooster included and production has risen to 4-5 eggs per day(good and fertile). Will this pick up to pre rooster interference of 8-10 / day or should we rid ourselves of the rooster now ?