Does anybody else have trouble keeping people from messing with their coops at night?

Motion activated lights can deter people as well, they start messing around and then a light turns on and spooks them. Doesn't always work and won't work if they are determined, but maybe the light coming on will alert you that there is someone out there as well.

Maybe even a camera like a Ring brand where it records video and sends you an alert to your phone. So I would pair that with the motion lights, the lights come on so the camera can get a good view and it sends you the video to your phone. At the least if you can get good footage of them you can send it to the police.

Also, make sure your yard is clearly marked No Trespassing. If it isn't then there probably isn't much you can do about them being on your property as stupid as that is.
I was up most of the night watching my new security cam. On the old ones we had what we called poltergeists appearing. People would be on the camera it looked like but when you'd look at the window they aren't really there. Last night it got real scary because it looked like two guys right next to my back door. I adjusted my security alarms so they would go off and let some people know about it and kept watch as long as I could stay awake. One seemed to fade then come back and the other seemed to tilt his head once in a while but they didn't move other than that. They are still showing on the picture in the cam and it is still not daylight but the aren't there when I shine my spotlight out they never are. I've even opened the door and shined it around looking for people. It makes me wonder if they don't put these images on cams somehow to make you buy more security equipment. I don't think they do but this was pretty real looking and close enough to put a scare into us here. That doesn't usually happen. I think its not real at this point and we are ok.
It's going to be interesting to see if my motion light is still there when I go out later. It was on the coop window shining in under the plastic but now it's out where they could grab it. They don't take many things usually. I have come up missing a rake a year ago but that's all. They just move things and leave the pens open now the coop door off and open. Well they left the shed doors wide open not long ago too but nothing taken I don't think.
It's going to be interesting to see if my motion light is still there when I go out later. It was on the coop window shining in under the plastic but now it's out where they could grab it. They don't take many things usually. I have come up missing a rake a year ago but that's all. They just move things and leave the pens open now the coop door off and open. Well they left the shed doors wide open not long ago too but nothing taken I don't think.
If I were you, I'd make a list of anything of value, with pictures for the more valuable things. That way if it is stolen you can go to the police and try and get it back. If you don't have any luck there, you might be able to get something from insurance to replace it :confused:
I'd love to watch that trial. "your honor I was trying to steal his stuff but I got shocked"
They actually had an idiot burglar manage to lock himself in someone's garage and had nothing to eat but dog food while he was in there. The people were on vacation so he was in there for several days. He sued for pain and suffering due to being trapped that long. I THINK he actually won too.
:welcome :frow You have gotten some good advice. I haven't had anyone bother my coops but have had some thief's over the years steal my egg money and eggs. I don't leave any change out at night anymore. I have electric wires around my coops and pens. If anyone touches the wires it will hurt. My suggestion is at least around 7000 volts so who ever touches the wires will know it. The charger I have now put out around 14,000 volts and it anyone touches it they will know it for a couple of days later. It will hurt. I have several game cameras up on my property. Some are on posts that I can move around. Most of the cameras I have don't have to be that close to the subject to get a good picture even at night. My last suggestion is a motion detector siren. Often they also have motion lights too. Good luck and I hope you figure out who is trespassing...
Stealing the egg money.
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Putting the money in his pocket
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Stealing eggs
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Another thief who did spend a couple of years in jail.
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I was up most of the night watching my new security cam. On the old ones we had what we called poltergeists appearing. People would be on the camera it looked like but when you'd look at the window they aren't really there. Last night it got real scary because it looked like two guys right next to my back door. I adjusted my security alarms so they would go off and let some people know about it and kept watch as long as I could stay awake. One seemed to fade then come back and the other seemed to tilt his head once in a while but they didn't move other than that. They are still showing on the picture in the cam and it is still not daylight but the aren't there when I shine my spotlight out they never are. I've even opened the door and shined it around looking for people. It makes me wonder if they don't put these images on cams somehow to make you buy more security equipment. I don't think they do but this was pretty real looking and close enough to put a scare into us here. That doesn't usually happen. I think its not real at this point and we are ok.
Wow, like ghosts, that would freak me out...obviously you didn't get much sleep either
They actually had an idiot burglar manage to lock himself in someone's garage and had nothing to eat but dog food while he was in there. The people were on vacation so he was in there for several days. He sued for pain and suffering due to being trapped that long. I THINK he actually won too.

Good grief...

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