Does anybody make friendship bracelets?


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I recently picked up my old threads and friendship bracelet book and I've been making a bunch of them during my spare time at the end of this semester. I recently went online and looked for some new, more difficult patterns and found a few that I really like! I'm always looking for more though!

I don't have any pictures of my newest bracelets yet, but I'll be sure to get them up soon! Post pictures of yours if you have any! And if you have any neat patterns, let me know!
i used to love them! when i was in 4th grade i would sell them to other kids for spending money. that was 16 yrs ago though.
i still think of making them when i cross stitch though.
I used to make those when in Jr High. I was pretty good at it, did the diamond and cross patterns, flames, all that! Been so long... I should make one sometime, maybe show my boys how

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