Jun 1, 2010 #1 RECE*2C* In the Brooder 9 Years May 21, 2010 75 0 39 oswego i know these pics a horrible but do you have a guess? they are only 2 1/2 weeks but i just wanted to see what everyone thought #1 #2 Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
i know these pics a horrible but do you have a guess? they are only 2 1/2 weeks but i just wanted to see what everyone thought #1 #2
Jun 1, 2010 #2 silkiesandbuffs Songster 10 Years Jul 4, 2009 109 1 111 Weatherford, Texas Maybe Australorp?
Jun 1, 2010 Thread starter #3 RECE*2C* In the Brooder 9 Years May 21, 2010 75 0 39 oswego thanks is it to early to tell if they are boy or girl?
Jun 1, 2010 #4 bturbo87 Songster 9 Years Apr 22, 2010 405 5 119 south way to early to tell boy or girl unless they are sex linked...but the do kinda look like my black copper maran chick
way to early to tell boy or girl unless they are sex linked...but the do kinda look like my black copper maran chick
Jun 2, 2010 Thread starter #5 RECE*2C* In the Brooder 9 Years May 21, 2010 75 0 39 oswego Quote: i thought it would be but the person i got them from said the black one is a black copper maran an a Ameraucana mix and the other one is a Ameraucana but i have no idea these are my first chickens.
Quote: i thought it would be but the person i got them from said the black one is a black copper maran an a Ameraucana mix and the other one is a Ameraucana but i have no idea these are my first chickens.