Does anyone have a picture of an adolescent Runner?


There is no H or F in Orpington!
14 Years
Jul 13, 2008
Braymer Missouri
I am working on a page about the Runner ducks. I need an adolescent image because I do not have one right now. If you have one you would let me have please let me know! I would be happy to give you credit for it.
I have some of my fawn and whites! I think I exceeded the bandwith on my photobucket account and I'm waiting for payment to go through...I'll see if it works...


Well nope...but it will work in a few days! I promise haha
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These are kind of far away, but do they help a little? Runnin' with the BIG ducks ...


Here they are at 6 1/2 weeks, but this is pretty much what they'll look like as adults ... (sorry it's a little blurry)

Actually I found a few more that might be a little better but I'm running to catch a ferry to see my daughter and grandsons so can't get them posted until tonight or tomorrow morning. Am hoping there are others who will post as well. It is interesting to see the ducks in the midway stages.

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