Does anyone have any experience raising Light Brahmas?

I love light brahmas. Excellent choice! I used to raise them a lot years ago but when I got out of the chicken breeding hobby I stopped. I'm restarting all over with a cockerel and 2 pullets.
My little sister has several. They seem like very sweet, mellow chickens. We're also in East Tennessee. BTW, she also is starting to raise Millie Fluers as well as silkies.
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We just some hatch out about 2 days ago. Some are light light and some are kind of greyish. Why is that? We got the eggs from a guy in KY and the eggs all looked the same. They have the furry legs and are very cute. The only difference is their over all color. Oh and they are girls or we are pretty sure they are
My chicks that had more grey to them turned out just as beautiful as the really light ones. My darks had chipmunk coloring. I'm sitting here trying to remember if my buffs were the ones that had more grey, but I don't think so. In my mind's eye I can see two of my girls at 2 weeks old. Both grey, both turned white.

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