does anyone have golden laced cochin pics

Here is my bantam roo

Thanks for the pics Those are some very pretty birds you guys have!

edit; o-o I think im going to have to add those to my list

Flip is that a bantam hen?
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where did you get shirley?

I want to know what is in that suet feeder hanging cause maybe I can give my chickens some?
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she was one of my first 4 I got her from someone in doylestown PA she was about 4 months old i paid $15 for her.

the suet feeder has suet in it they were picking on the silkies wings when i got them so i thought the might need more protien. some of them like it some don't bother with it. the same on has been in it for about 2 weeks now and they are dirt cheap, about $1.
Here is "Dakota" - AKA "Princess Fluffypants"...she is easily in my top 3 favorites. Such a gem!!!! She is one of my daily reminders to be thankful for & not overlook the multitude of small blessings in life.
I am so blessed to have her in my flock.


P.S. D-shizzle is a standard (giant) Cochin, not a banty.
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wow. i have been wondering what one of my hens was for forever.
i looked at this thread and i was like WOW....
there she is.
lol = ) the featherfooted chicken..


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