Does anyone know if this is safe?


Jul 30, 2023
I have a couple of honeysuckle bushes in my yard that grow berries in August. I didn't think that they were close enough to my chicken run for my girls to reach but I was wrong since I found a runner branch that had been pulled through the wire of the run wall and all the berries and leaves were stripped clean from the branch (although the branch is still attached to the bush). Considering this must have happened in a matter of two hours (it wasn't in the run when I refilled the water buckets and then it was there and denuded when I walked past on the way to the shed), it seems the girls liked it, but I don't want them to get sick and will cut the bushes back if there's a risk. So, long ramble short, is honeysuckle ok for chickens to eat?
I think it’s probably be fine, especially if they all had a crack at it and not just one hen. You can keep an eye on them if you’re worried. One of my hens recently got up on the fence and gorged herself on the berries of an unknown tree. She had an embarrassing case of the runs afterwards, but is otherwise fine.
I have a couple of honeysuckle bushes in my yard that grow berries in August. I didn't think that they were close enough to my chicken run for my girls to reach but I was wrong since I found a runner branch that had been pulled through the wire of the run wall and all the berries and leaves were stripped clean from the branch (although the branch is still attached to the bush). Considering this must have happened in a matter of two hours (it wasn't in the run when I refilled the water buckets and then it was there and denuded when I walked past on the way to the shed), it seems the girls liked it, but I don't want them to get sick and will cut the bushes back if there's a risk. So, long ramble short, is honeysuckle ok for chickens to eat?

Chickens are usually quite good at recognizing what is safe to eat and what is not (obvious exception if they are starving, but I assume that does not apply to yours.)

Since they chose to eat the honeysuckle, it was probably safe. If they do not show any symptoms in the next few days, it is even more likely to be safe.

I would say there is no need to cut the plant back UNLESS your chickens show some kind of problem in the next day or two.
Birds usually are pretty good, especially in groups. Now, there are always exceptions. I had a cochin bantam pullet thar went nuts for tomato plants. Constantly chasing her away because she would just start gulping leaves and flowers down.

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