Does Anyone Know of a Water Soluble Calcium Supplement?

Forgot to add on a couple things I wanted to mention:

My birds won't really eat oyster shell either, so that's why I mentioned the eggshells. Now I have a big bin of oyster shell that I don't know what to do with. :)

Also, when I was trying to give my bird calcium, I crushed a calcium/magnesium pill and mixed with mash and yogurt. She pecked it all up, so I was happy!
Hi, guys,

I've got a hen that, despite being on layer crumbles, constantly has soft egg issues. She won't eat oyster shells (despite needing them), and I'm wondering if there's any kind of a water soluble calcium supplement I could just mix into her water to make sure she's getting enough?

I have calcium gluconate powder right now, but it just settles out of water, as it doesn't actually dissolve.

Barring this my choices are pretty much to syringe it to her every day or dust wet treats in it and give those to her.

And any any insight on why she won't eat the shells? She pretty much just picks them up, "tastes" them and spits them out again.

Any help is much appreciated.
I give my hen calcium Glubionate that is compounded. Not sure if this is an option for you or not.

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