Does anyone know when cochins start to lay eggs?

Miss Dottie

11 Years
May 23, 2008
Riverside, Ca

I just got 4 super cute standard cochin chicks! I was told they don't lay eggs until they are 12 months old but then I read something that said otherwise.

Does anyone know when cohcins will lay? Also, when is it obvious if they are roosters or hens?

Thanks! Have a great day!
My Cochins started laying at 5 months old. They are standards. The eggs are a bit small at first but taste delicious.
They went broody 3 months after that and are now sitting on eggs. One has hatched out a Cochin egg and I put 2 other chicks under her and she is raising them fine so far. The other hens are still sitting on their Silkie eggs I put under them and those should hatch next week.
I was told I had 4 hens and 3 roos but Ursula has now turned into Ernie at 4 months old but I was not looking real hard and he practically had to get in my face and tell me he wasn't a hen! But everyone gets along fine and these are a very nice breed.
Thanks Nadine, that is awesome. They are a cool breed. These 4 chicks of mine are growing so fast. And they are already really friendly. When did yours start breeding?
Well, one of the roos, King, is a few months older than the hens so he bred them around 4 months of age, I believe. None of the other Cochin eggs hatched and did not develop so I think Matilda is the oldest hen because hers was the only egg to hatch. Flossy and Dolly's eggs must not have been fertilized, though I do believe King gave it the ol' college try.

Meanie and Sweetie Boy (named because he will come sit in your lap) tried to breed them but King kept them away from his girls. I do believe that Meanie (named because he doesn't like to be caught, petted or hand fed) and Sweetie will have their own Cochin girls once these new chicks I just got in the mail grow up some.
Ernie is such a complainer, I don't know if any hens would want him. He whines all the time! They are all so different but really nice to have to deal with.
I have gotten 70 new chicks in from different hatcheries last week and 15 of those are Cochins in blue and Partridge. They ought to cross well with these white ones I have.
just by accident (stopping by feed stores) i have alot of cochins of all colors and started hatching them just for fun. but my prize is a turkened cochin, and my daughters favorite. The frizzles get alot of attention and mine are laying well, despite hearing all the time that they dont. anyway, good luck
Nadine-I guess I'll have to set a situation to separate them sooner than I thought! I don't want the brothers breeding with their sisters, I might get a three legged chicken! Just kidding...Good luck with your 70 new babies?

How much does everyone's standard cochins weigh?

Tiki244-How about your bantys, how much do they weigh?

Paduanchook-I almost ended up with a turkey yesterday at a accident of course! The feedstores are dangerous this time of year!

Have a nice Memorial Day everyone! Thanks for your input!
Miss Dottie
A lot of chickens inbreed. Usually the same roo will cross with his daughter and granddaughter. Not ideal imo but the strong survive and the weak don't. You won't get weird chickens.
I plan on separating mine just to see what kind of cool colors I can get from my white Cochin roos crossing with my blue Cochin hens and my partridge Cochin hens then taking those pullets back to other roos. Just a neat kind of project while getting some good eating eggs along with it. I like odd colors and I like the eggs.
I suppose I could study the genetics but that is too boring while the chickies are lots more fun and useful!

Oh, my Cochins are standards. Even the 15 from the hatchery. I also have 11 other breeds in the brooder.

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