Does anyone need any silkie fertile eggs?


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Hi Guys,
I haven't been on here in ages but I thought I would post this. I have a Splash colored (precious-sweet-kind-gentle-my favorite) silkie hen who is laying fertile eggs right now. She is not broody right now but another hen of mine is so I've been putting her eggs under that one. I have way enough under her but "Splash" is still consistently laying me one egg a day. Her boyfriend (Romeo) is a beautiful Buff silkie roo who is also very gentle and such a wonderful leader/protector for Splash. Both birds are so special to me among my flock of 25 various breeds. Splash sleeps inside my house instead of inside barn. She and her best friend sleep in a big bird house inside at night then go out during the day with the others. Splash and Romeo are inseparable during day. They are oh so cute roaming the yard together till it starts getting dark.
Anyways, I have too many eggs on the way to being hatched already. I hate to not attempt a hatch on such a sweet bird's eggs. Is there anyone who is in need of any silkie eggs who may have a broody hen or a incubator? I would be glad to ship you some eggs if so. Like I said, I'm getting one a day from her so I will collect I guess 3 days worth and send to you then another 3 as she lays them if you want. I've already gotten today's egg from her and I'm holding it in case someone wants it plus others. I'm not charging anything,,,I just am looking for a GOOD home for someone who wants some silkies. I have no idea what the colors will be as these two became a couple a few weeks ago. But they will certainly be precious
If you are interested please let me know and what all other birds you have etc...Thanks, Julie

P.S. I live in Memphis, TN so will ship them priority if whatever way you would think best.
Hi Julie,
I would be interested in some eggs from your babies. Ive never had a splash so far & only have 1 buff hen
. We just set the other incubator up for our bigger eggs but i'd love to have some silkie eggs too
. Let me know how much shipping would be for them. My zip is 98360.
Thanks much!
I think my black silkie has gone broody on me! I'm watching her though to make sure she doesn't quit since she's a new egg layer. My roo isn't old enough for fertilized eggs yet, so I was just thinking maybe I should just entertain her mothering need.

My husband is finishing up our coop this weekend so she can have the old coop all to herself if she wants. If they are still available next week, we'll probably go for about 3 to just see what happens and if she wants to me a mommy or not.

I'm zip 27526 if you could give me a price, PM is fine... I'll get back to you mid next week.
I am interested in as well.

I currently have buff orps, seramas, cuckoo marans, ee's, light brahmas, cochins, blue slate turkeys, ducks(call, pekin, rouen, mix) mixed geese, chukar, button quail, india blue peacocks

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