Does Bantam Roosters make alot of noise?

Crest Acres Girl

11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Southern California
My friend is getting ride of her Japanese Bantam two hen and a roo, they are soooo cute!!! But I'm just worried about the crowing. They told me that it sounds pretty pathetic but I dont wana risk my neighbors complaining. I'm just wondering if this is a good Idea
Well.... I have nothing but bantams and ohh my gosh are they noisey especially the serama roosters in the house. I think however that if you only have 1 rooster he should stay fairly quiet but i can't be sure
I was curious about this too! I was told by a couple of people (not on BYC) that the smaller breeds were not as loud, so I asked the girl that works at our feed store and her answer was that the all roosters crow and they can all be loud. She then took me in the back area behind the feed storage barn and showed me a cochin rooster and yes he could be loud! I was surprised and a little upset because I would love to have a rooster but I dont think it would go over well with my one set of neighbors.
no matter where my banty roo is, he sounds like he is in the room with me!

he is loud and proud, thinks he's large and in charge. (don't tell him he's a little shrimpy fella!)
My Jap only crows a couple times a day now that he's been doing it a while it is short and to the point instead of drawn out like my BR. The coop is about 350 ft from the house and I can barely hear him when we don't have the windows open. If you're in a neighborhood it may not be a good idea to get him unless the neighbors don't mind.
My Japanese Bantam crows its so cute and funny but not that loud.Every time he crows when im outside i laugh cause its so cute.I cant hear him from inside the house at all.
the polish roo is alot louder then the Japanese Bantam roo.I use to have a silkie roo and he was alot louder then Japanese Bantam roo.
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