Does early pip usually result in in shell death?


Oct 27, 2015
The last couple of quail batches we've hatched we've had an early pipper. As in has pipped the day before lockdown, so about 3-4 days to when they normally hatch. Both times the said chick has died in the shell before official hatch day. Has anyone had this happen and any theories as to why?
If you have chicks hatching 3-4 days early your temperature is probably to high. I have a incubator that I built that they were hatching on day 15 I finally turn the temp down 1 degree and now it's working great.
Ours usually hatch between day 16-18, with majority being day 17. Temp usually set at 37.6 degrees Celsius, like it has been with every other batch the last few years, so unless thermometer is out then haven't changed temp. And it has only been one egg per batch the last two batches that has pipped about day 13 and died within 24-48 hours of doing so.

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