Does God care if we are happy?

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Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
**Please don't participate if you are going to get offended or get your feelings hurt. Just walk on by. I am really curious to hear what others think and don't want this thread shut down. Play nice.

***I am coming to this from a Judeo-Christian perspective. If that is not your belief system that is your choice. You are still welcome to share your thoughts. Just don't preach (and I won't either.

So this came out of a conversation with a friend. Do you think God cares if we are happy? I can't find any Scripture that says that He does care about that. I can find where He cares if we believe, if we have faith, if we are obedient, if we are kind to others, etc. I can't find anything that says our happiness is an issue for Him. So what do you think? If you have a Scripture reference, please share it.

Discuss amongst yourselves.
Oh yes!! I do believe he wants us to be happy!!! Scripture says our God is a loving god. And to me if you love somebody you want them to be happy, right? Am I making sense?
Yes..I do believe of we follow him he will bring us happiness. I mean when you live right-do things right-act right etc.. he pays you back in fleshly happiness-love-joy-health-fighting the sins of flesh is the biggest enemy-the thoughts the actions etc..I noticed when I am on my game and act accordingly things happen in my life that make me happy...It's how you perceive those things and who you attribute it to. I thank him all the time when good things happen to me-even the bad as I knw there's a lesson to be learned from those bad -hard times..
Thank you, Sonew. That was a good answer. That makes sense.

But is it you think that He wants us to be happy or that we ARE happy when we are thankful to Him?
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