Does God care if we are happy?

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When I feel like nothing is ever going to improve, I read the story of Daniel. When I feel like I really can't be forgiven, I read the story and life of David. My two favs.
I love reading the "Happy" verses. Just a small search brings up so many.

Pay attention to the warnings He gives us too, or those happy ones will not happen.
I'm so glad y'all can have this conversation without getting snarky!

We are deviating from the path though. I KNOW God loves us/me. That is said multiple times in multiple places all through Old and New Testaments. That is not is question. The question is happiness. Do you think God intends/designs all things/ plans for our happiness? Or do you think He has the big picture in mind and is working towards that and our individual happiness is not a factor at all?

According to all the dictionaries I have found, Joy does equal happiness. I'm still waffling over that one too.

Love however does not equal happiness. Those that are parents look at your kids. Is your main goal their happiness? Or would you rather they behave and are obedient and are faithful to your guidance?
A question you may have to answer first is, "What does happy look like to you?". I would guess that God may not always care about some of the things people think make them happy.
I think He cares. I also think His definition of happiness is different from ours. Just like a parent/child relationship, He is the older wiser our happiness is dependent upon doing what He says to a large degree. If we are the type children who'd rather play in the street(metaphorically of course)...He probably cares a bit less about what we think will make us happy
Just like any good parent would

Scripture Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....

Why would He be worried about "prospering us" when God knows our hearts and had instilled in us the desire to proser in the first place? I think it means He wishes us to be happy, happy in obedience to Him. Father knows best.

Just my opinion
I think you can find the direction for an answer in I Corinthians 13. Honestly, I really do.

And your reference to parents is TRUE! We are created in HIS image, we are His children, and that is the reason He gives us lessons over and over, not just to make us feel like dummies. I do believe that God is not pleased with people that seek material things for their "happiness". I believe all His lessons and blessings are for us to grow in Him, find the joy He promises, and in that vein, yes He cares about our happiness. I do not think he gives a rate patootie if we are in a bad mood or having a rough time because of choices we make.
mmm toughy questions

I do think God wants us to be happy just like I think he has our individual paths laid out in front of him-now in order for us to be truly happy it depends on how close to the course we stay on that path..We stray--happiness comes by hard we stick top his path- happiness is always around...

Yes as a parent I want my children to be happy but I also know from experience which paths not to take and would love for them to stay on my course-but we are humans and of the flesh-its not possible-they will stray off course and pay a price:-( the "warning signs" were there like Deb said they just ignored them:-( I would like for them to remain "safe" which is what God wants I think-safe and true
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