Does God care if we are happy?

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The Bible Assures Us of God’s Love

The Bible tells us that God is love. (1 John 4:8) Not only is his love manifest in creation but it is also evident in his Word, the Bible. For example, the Bible gives guidelines that contribute to good health, encourages moderation in all things, and warns against drunkenness and gluttony.—1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.

The Bible also gives wise counsel about human relations, urging us to love one another and to treat others with respect, dignity, and kindness. (Matthew 7:12) It condemns practices and attitudes that bring suffering—greed, gossip, envy, adultery, and murder. If everyone tried to live by the fine counsel found in the Scriptures, there would surely be much less suffering worldwide.

The greatest manifestation of God’s love, however, was the giving of his Son, Jesus, to ransom mankind. John 3:16 states: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” Thus Jehovah has already arranged to bring a permanent end to death and every form of suffering.—1 John 3:8.

Clearly, there is abundant proof that Jehovah loves us. It follows, then, that it gives him no pleasure to see us suffer. He will act to end suffering. We do not have to speculate on the matter—the Bible tells us exactly how God will eliminate suffering.
I think happiness is a word like "love" it can have lots of different meanings to different people. I think that is why it is so hard to define. IMHO, I don't think happiness is necessarily having a roof over your head, good health, food. etc - that would be security to me(which definitely brings a peace of mind). To me happiness is an emotion which is fleeting(like anger, frustration, etc) not a destination in life.
Maybe some people consider happiness as having security, or maybe it is being loved by someone else, or having respect from their community. Each of these things by itself doesn't cause "happiness". I know people in each of these situations that are not satisfied with their lives.
To me what is most important is feeling grateful for who I am, that I am, and potential for what may be to come. Finding good in all bad situations that may present themselves. Finding good in others even when it is hard to do. Finding hope for the future.

I keep thinking of a book I read about prisoners in German camps who even when they were in the worst conditions found something good to live for. While they weren't "happy", some still turned to God and found good in their situation. It had nothing to do with how they were treated or necessities being met.
Too me finding "happiness" is a fallacy, it is goodness that we want to find.

Edited to if I could practice what I preach! LOL!

JMO, hope that makes sense....
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He made us, I don't think that after making us he would just stop caring, just like we all cared about getting chickens we just don't stop caring, we love them even more, we are made in his image with all his quality's, all we have to do is learn what he wants us to do to be Happy. 2 cents here
l believe that 'happiness' is dependent largely on situations in our lives that come and go. I believe that "joy" is the inside condition of our heart when we follow God's plan for our lives. Joy is the enduring thing and it comes from obedience, loving others, praising and worshiping God. We can rely on 'joy' because He is always good and has our good in mind. Happiness, on the other hand is fleeting and sometimes absent all together because of our poor choices or the sins of others.

I have come to realize that God is more concerned with our holiness than our happiness if it's a clear choice between the two.
IMO - an awful lot of very bad things happen to innocent people (including newborns on up) for me to believe that there is a god who cares if people are happy. There are horrendous things that happen to people, and they are no less "special" then anyone who bad things don't happen to.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs, these are just my thoughts on the subject.
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not to rock the boat but, I have tried several times to get into religon, born and raised caatholic, moved to a differnt state, went to a youth church group different religon, that was about it. I have a hard time believing, and I have come to the conclusion that I am an Atheist. Its not that I want to argue with anyones believes, trust me I have friends who are Catholics, and JW's and Mormons. I just think that WAYYY back in time, people did not know a lot, and what people did not know of, they feared. And so praying to a "higher power" to help them through troubled times came about. And since then, we have been doing it. Its an "inherited" practice IMO, if you will. Plus, I have no documented proof that god (any god) exists, while I have proof there are dinosaurs (also not mentioned int he bible) so skepticism is pretty much me.

Anyones believes are their own, and everyone is entitled, so I do not judge anyone. I wish everyone had the same philosiphy, as I have been preached at more than once. What works for you day to day is wonderful, its just not for me.

Edited to say that if I did believe in god, I would not think that going to church would matter, its not WHERE you devote your time but how you devote your life. It should not matter whether its in a house of god or a street corner where homeless live. Beliveing is beleiving and I am sure "he" does not care where its done truly.
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