Does God care if we are happy?

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Complex question. And it's brought some interesting replys.

The simple answer would be that Yes, I believe God wants me to be happy.
And I am happy in my belief of God. Those that have read my posts before
know this to be so. I try to live my life in such a way as to honor God.

I have a bible on my desk. One in the living room by my chair. Another by my
bed, and another in the car. I am never far from Gods word. And God is never
far from me.

Is the answer really that simple? Someone posted a dictionary definition of the
word "happy". I think we would all agree on that definition as true and factual.
Part of the answer would be what does happiness mean to each one of us as an
individual. Wealth? Material things? Family? And then to accept that what may make
you happy, does not necessarily make another person happy.

So even among a group of people this size, happiness can be a little different for
each of us.

So which bible verse shall we accept as God wanting us to be happy? We haven't
even agreed on what happy is yet.

The word "happy" appears twenty eight times in the Kings James Bible. But according
to my reading, there was no word such as happy in the original Hebrew or Greek bible.
Their word was a version of "Joyous." It simply did not translate. Those of you who can
speak in a few different languages would perhaps understand that sometimes words
do not always translate the same.

If we can accept that, then would the answer be that the bible then does not come straight
out and tell us that God wants us to be happy? That each of us, as we read the bible, will
interpret the meaning a little differently. That the final accounting is between you and God.
Not between you, me and God. But between YOU and God alone. Not up to your Pastor, your
wife, husband, your children. I have no doubt on what the bible says.

Am I always happy? No. For I am human. I've dealt with sickness, I've dealt with loss. I've
dealt with life. At times, I've raged against God. He's forced me to deal with things I don't
always understand. But HE knows where my life is going. And HE knows that my dealing with
the issues of life have brought me to this point.

God has brought me this far.

And I understand that. I have a faith in God that I hope never dies. And in that faith, I have
found a happiness that makes me who I am.
I'm going to have to say no, I've been disappointed with MY plan.

Im with you on that Jen--It's when we have a sense of "his" plan and manipulate it mentally or physically to accomodate our needs..and in the end- wonder why it isnt great and wonderful like it should be-its the fleshly issue thing again-were human. When God steers me in a direction that I fear or don't want to go in-I just throw my arms up and say OK OK-im yours show me-and he does-Im usually way off from what I thought he wanted-I may not like his decisions but then again I wouldnt be here to like anything unless he wanted me to be-so Ill take whatever he gives me...
I'm going to have to say no, I've been disappointed with MY plan.

Im with you on that Jen--It's when we have a sense of "his" plan and manipulate it mentally or physically to accomodate our needs..and in the end- wonder why it isnt great and wonderful like it should be-its the fleshly issue thing again-were human. When God steers me in a direction that I fear or don't want to go in-I just throw my arms up and say OK OK-im yours show me-and he does-Im usually way off from what I thought he wanted-I may not like his decisions but then again I wouldnt be here to like anything unless he wanted me to be-so Ill take whatever he gives me...

there is a learning curve for this but once you get there you learn to have a general idea of what is going to happen but I never make detailed certain plans to be followed to the letter because that would reduce the opportunities to minister to someone who just might interrupt my silly little plans. G_d knows best he interupts "my plans" all the time
He is constantly involved in my life yea He wants us to be happy in 1st John it is written beloved I wish above all that you prosper and be in heatlh, you are his beloved child in Whom He is well pleased . just my 2 pence

... I'm going to say yes!

I am not Christian and I do not believe there is only one correct religion or path to follow and I do not base my life on teachings from the bible, but I do believe we are all made to be reasonably happy on this earth and that whichever deity/ies we believe in (or lack of) we can all obtain forms of true happiness and well being. I am Pagan so it is very easy for me to believe and accept this - I do not believe in hell. Love and happiness is the basis of what I believe.

I grew up in a very abusive environment, and I wish that on no one. Recovering is a lifelong process and I may never recover in this lifetime. However it has formed me into who I am, made me a much better person, and has opened my eyes to so much. It truly has knocked down the walls between these realms. I can find blissful happiness in the simplest things - I don't think I would have otherwise. I am truly blessed in this way.

It is all about perception!

However, I do want to say that I think it is quite ignorant and very oppressing to say that those who are not a religion only find happiness in material things - I know many Atheists and Agnostics that are very happy through human connections, good will, and so forth - not money and material items.
What Blackbird said. I know many wonderful people who live their lives by the word of the God of their understanding. And I know Luciferians who live lives of quiet goodness and generosity. Often it is not the format of what people believe that determines how good they are, or how happy they are in their goodness. It seems that humans are hardwired to believe in something greater than ourselves and we are happiest when we have such a belief. We are not happy without any sense of higher good - this does not mean atheists cannot be happy or good, they just have a different sense of what that higher good is. Isaac Asimov strongly believed that his purpose was to advance mankind's understanding of the universe and pass that on to the next generation. That is purpose and this gives us happiness. I do not believe in god as a separate entity from myself and all of humanity. So I do not believe god wants us to be happy. But, as much as I believe that all of us make up that which many of us refer to as god, then yes I believe that god wants us to be happy.
Where is this scripture? Man already was because God created him, he fell because he did not believe God.

He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth NOT is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18

And God Blessed them and said unto them , be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth....... Gen 1:28

Which shows us that Adam and Eve were able to have children "before" the fall. We would not have the problems on this earth if they had not disbelieved God. God has given each of us a free will to choose.
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Mine does, but it is up to me to chart my course. "You" (the ubiquitous You) are unable to lead me there. Part of this journey is about me unraveling this mystery.
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