Does God care if we are happy?

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I am hoping to be done the bulk by tonight, I still have one class' to go. And of course, as you know I am still waiting on a paper or two

I have to stop taking BYC breaks! But it is the only thing that keeps me going!

I DO love teaching, this is just a frustrating time of year and I have had more than my fair share of challenging students! (One was only allowed back in class when his probation officer agreed to come with him - I personally had lobbied for his being thrown out altogether as he had threatened me, but I was overruled as being not accommodating of his disability enough.

Ever notice how some semesters you get a bunch and others are calm?? THere is usually one problem child a class but this semester? Whew!!
"Makarios" (modern spelling) is given to me as one of the words from the early
bible translated as HAPPY in our modern Kings James. It is a Greek word meaning
fortunate, well-off, blessed. C.1200 AD

Another article gave me this as the origin of our modern word HAPPY

Symbols: running water

Hapi is the ancient Egyptian god of the Nile. He is ancient not only to us of the modern world, but to the Egyptians as well. In fact, "hep", the root of Hapi's name is probably an ancient name for the Nile.

Hapi had a certain mysteriousness about him. The Egyptians believed that the Nile rose out of the ground between two mountains (Qer-Hapi and Mu-Hapi) between the islands of Elephantine and Philae. However, the Egyptians had no clue how or why the Nile flooded each year. They believed that the gods Khnemu, Anqet, and Satet were the guardians of the source of the Nile. Their duty was to make sure that the right amount of silt was released during the yearly inundation. Hapi was in charge of the waters that flowed during the floods. The flood was commonly known as the "arrival of Hapi". The Egyptians would toss sacrifices, amulets and other offerings into the Nile at special places to appease Hapi and to ensure that he would provide an adequate inundation to water their fields.
I haven't read the whole thread .. I decided to answer before reading the other replies.

I am a Christian, so my answer will involve Christian beliefs.

I believe that God is more interested in our spiritual well-being than in what WE call "happiness".

Only the God that created you knows what will truly make you happy .. and I think many times we miss the boat with attempts at temporary "happiness" to fulfill what only true joy can fulfill.

True joy is found only when we understand who we are in Christ Jesus .. and can be "happy" despite our circumstances. Nobody has perfect circumstances .. but we can have perfect joy/happiness in Him.

Am I there yet? No.

"I'm not where I need to be, but thank GOD I'm not where I once was." (to steal a quote)
I think old Benjamin Franklin said it best:

We hear of the conversion of water into wine at the marriage in Cana as of a miracle. But this conversion is, through the goodness of God, made every day before our eyes. Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy. The miracle in question was only performed to hasten the operation, under circumstances of present necessity, which required it.

Where is this scripture?


2 Nephi: 25

To the OP.

Finding a scripture that says God wants us to be happy is hard to do as many posts have already indicated. But if you think about and believe a few basic principles it is easy to understand.

What is happy and what are its synonyms? Joy is one.
Do you believe that God is our Father?
Do you believe in a benevolent God?
Don't you think a benevolent father would want us to be happy?
Do you believe God wants us to return to him?
Would we want to return to him if we weren't happy?

Why wouldn't he want us to be happy?
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Just found this thread but would like to share my thoughts...

Humans equate joy to happiness. I believe that God speaks to having joy unspeakable and full of His glory. Joy is not is a feeling that a person has whether or not they are in prison, homeless, rich, poor, etc...just look at Paul.

Happiness is circumstantial and while I do think God would like us to be happy because He loves us...I don't think that is His ultimate desire for us. I think He desires us to be full of the joy that only comes from a personal relationship with Him. This relationship should cause us to be joyful in all circumstances and to be full of love...for Him and others.

Whether we choose to be happy in our circumstances is up to us.
Just taking a blanket statement like this. Who are these anyones? Having been a Christian for more than half my life I can say there is plenty of evidence for the truth of the bible. Historically and otherwise. The bible is a "spiritual" book and pertains to the Spiritual part of man. Therefore that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. To many people think they can just read the bible like a novel and this is not so.

"Which things we speak, not in the words which mans wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual" 1 Cr 2:13.

"marvel not that I said unto thee, YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN" Jhn 3:7 "except a man be born again he can not see (percieve or understand) the kingdom of God" Jhn 3:3

You can not understand spiritual things with the natural mind. I have studied more than one "religion" and none brought about the miracle I sought, until I was born again as Jesus said. Then I understood the things the unbeliever cannot. The "old testament" is the old "covenant" with man the "new testament" is the new covenant with man. It does not apply to everyone, only the believer in Jesus Christ. Even in one lifetime one cannot know it all. It is no surprise that biblical scholars who have NOT been born again can not understand what they study and others who think they have been.

If you want to understand the bible then ask God to allow you to be born again as Jesus said, then begin with the book of Matthew and you will be surprised. Just remember God knows the heart of the sincere and the cynic. You can't fool God. God does love us and wants to help us, there is no doubt. Jhn 10:9 , Jhn 12:47 Jhn: 16:30
Please let's not turn this into a "Is the Bible true or is it just written by men" discussion. There is no way that one will end well. That is one topic that purely must be taken on faith. Either you believe it is God inspired or you don't. One side will never be able to change the other's mind.

For the case of this discussion, I am going with the Bible being the true word of God. (Mainly because that is what I believe and the original question was mine.

And just to clear up matters and to halt the flurry of PMs, I DO believe that the Bible is God's Word, I AM a Christian and I AM for the most part happy. I believe that I have been very blessed by God and while I am unhappy and frustrated with some of my life's circumstances, all in all God has been very good to me. This question has come up in conversations with my friends and I was curious to hear thoughts from others.

Now... carry on. This has been a most interesting thread.
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