Does God care if we are happy?

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Who chose?! surely it wasn't me. I would have never chose to have gone through the suffering I have. Heck, I wouldn't want anyone to go through the suffering I have been through. With this you are saying, a child chooses to be abused, a woman chooses to be raped, a man choose to for his family to die. So much for a merciful god

You chose suffering by not choosing Jesus. This is what she/he is trying to say.

Please, don't go off on me here, but you can PM me if you'd like. I've really liked browsing through this thread.

Louie..Louie..Louie...! Thats not correct or a very kind thing to say. Just my opinion.
They are right. Its not true. Gods people suffer just as much as any other. I don't know that any of us will ever understand it all. I believe that not all suffering comes from the hand of God though and because he gave us free will there will always be suffering because mankind seem to be eternally cruel. BUT I also believe that sometimes suffering can be a means to teach or help us grow. I don't really believe that suffering is meant to be a punishment. Sometimes it is just the result of nature. If we ask for grace and peace and healing God will help us. That does not mean he will always take it away but I really believe if we ask for his will and in faith our hearts desires will be answered. yes sometimes the answer is no but its still an answer. I think if we call on him in faith and ask him for grace and peace he will never refuse us.

I don't understand why God allows so much suffering to the innocent but I do believe he suffers with them. God has presented himself to us as a parent. His end goal for us is never evil but he also lets us go through the hard times so we can grow. I am a parent and sometimes I will cry as I watch something hard my children must go through but I let them because I know it is for their good. I have a future planned for them and everything I do is so they will have that future. I think God does the same for us. So yea he wants us to be happy but I think he also wants us to grow and learn. He allows the balance of good and bad. He lets us make mistakes and wrong choices. He doesn't force his will on us but waits for us to ask him for what we need. Thats what i think anyway.
I had to make up my mind about this recently. As a survivor of extensive childhood abuse I have come to realize people make horrendous decisions. God didn't molest me as a child, a man made that decision on his very own.
Like this (yes there are some loopholes,but just read it for what it is
You are at your child's baseball game. The pitcher for the other team is wild - wild pitches, hitting kids etc. You know when your child gets up to bat there is a chance they will be hit, even injured. But they are at the mercy of the coach's decisions - . You have the power to walk out on the field and yank your child out of the batter's box....but you don't because you agreed to let the decisions be made on the field and they are responsible for the outcomes of their choices. When your child DOES get hit and maybe even injured - you are hurt, you comfort them and you are there for them.

Sorry - I'm not a theologian so that may not make sense to anyone but me

Ultimately, I think God puts our obedience above our happiness. In our disobedience we sow our own seeds of misery, in obedience we can find peace and joy (deeper than happy in my opinion)
god is very merciful 2 peter 3;9 Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.

With me? I gave up on your so called god a long time ago.

Let's play this game like ya'll do

Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Plain as it is written on the page
Ouch..suffer little children...

Thats kinda messed up. He wanted children to suffer?
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