Does introducing a rooster change the hens disposition towards you?


Feb 23, 2023
My hens are very friendly, let me pick them up, they squat for me like I’m a rooster, and they like to be around me. Would introducing a rooster to the flock change their disposition towards me?

My friend introduced a rooster to his flock and he said his hens won’t let him pick them up now and they no longer squat when he tries to pet them.
My hens are very friendly, let me pick them up, they squat for me like I’m a rooster, and they like to be around me. Would introducing a rooster to the flock change their disposition towards me?

My friend introduced a rooster to his flock and he said his hens won’t let him pick them up now.
Usually yes it does. The rooster sees the hens as his hens and there is nothing that can be done about it if the hens have decided to follow the rooster.
The good news is in time and with the roosters trust you should still be able to pick up his hens without him kicking off. It takes time. For many it isn't worth it seems from what I've read.
I have always had a rooster, so can only comment on what it is like with a rooster in my experience.
My roosters bring their hens to me, when I have food.
They don't care if I feed the hens, but I always make sure to give the rooster food as well, so he can feed the them.
They just keep a slight eye on me when I pick up a hen, but I don't do that very often.
The whole flock follows me around.
I have never seen a rooster keeping hens away from me, as other people have.
But it is all down to the individual.
I don't know if my experience is different because I got all of them at the same time, or if it's because they're still fairly young. I have 14 pullets and 1 cockerel of 10 different breeds. They will be 33 weeks on Sunday. Some of the hens squat for me, as well as the cockerel. Some don't, for either of us. He can be quite rough with the ones who don't squat. The ones that don't are all missing neck feathers. Some pullets like being held, some don't mind being held, and some don't like being held at all. And my cockerel falls under the "doesn't mind being held" category. If there's one thing I've learned about having chickens. Every chicken has their own personality. Amongst the same breed and throughout different breeds. But they ALL come running when they see me, looking for treats. LOL
I added 2 Silkies roosters to my hens , and my hens are still friendly . I do have mostly Silkies, Silkie mixes and bantam Cochin though . Even my Roosters are polite and pretty friendly considering other rooster breeds I've had

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