Does it matter if chickens won't roost?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
Mine appear to prefer to sleep snuggled together in a corner of the coop on the shavings rather than perch on the roost. I used a branch for the roost and they happily use the outer roost (also a branch) during the day. Does it matter where they sleep (bugs, etc?). Should I be trying to move them onto the roost at night and off the coop floor?
If they're only a few months old they'll eventually catch on to the roosting idea. A few breeds that can't fly well sometimes will continue to sleep on the ground, but most eventually will learn to roost.

Neither of my girls like to roost.
So I've stopped worrying about it. I figure they will if they want too!
3 of my 4 have just figured out the roost. and even better they have all started to go in the coop on there own at dusk!

there 2 months old i think. they just amaze me everyday.
Most of the time I find mine on the floor snuggled together in the mornings. Once and a while there will be a few on the roost. They are 6 weeks old. I figured if the wanted to roost they would. They have been outside in the coop for almost a month now and as it is unheated I think they might keeping each other warm. The temp in there is running around 40 at night and 60 or 65 during the day. These are my first ever chickens so I don't know much yet, just what I have read and seen in my own little flock. Hope this helps. Melissa in Wa, MommyToThree, wife to one, 4 golden wyandottes, 1 silkie, 4 golden sex links, 3 easter eggers, and 3 unknown banites!
Thanks! They're eight weeks old. I think the coop roost is a little smaller than the other one. I'm in OR and it is still in the 40s at night, so maybe it's just the snuggle factor. As long as they're not making a mite factory sleeping like that I'll leave it alone.
An advantage to having them roost at night is they concentrate the "poo area" to under the roosts. If you use a droppings board under the roost, it makes the coop sooo much easier to clean. If your roosts are 2x4's, 4" side flate, it should be a comfortable roost under their feet. Most young birds will huddle together, and certain breeds are more likely than others to continue sleeping this way as they get older. If your birds are standard birds, and you would like the droppings board idea, you can help train your chickens by placing them on the roost after they've gone to bed for the night, after dark. Just gently pick up a pullet and place her on the roost. After a few nights, they should get the idea.
mine are buff orps and barred rocks, and they love to snuggle in the corner together. they're 7 weeks old now and have been outside for about 12 days. did it since day 1. now that they can put themselves to bed, i have to usher them out of the corner so that i can get a head count to make sure everyone made it back in for the night.

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