does it matter if you run lights in coop


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
iv had a light on with a timer for a week now and not getting many eggs. it comes on at 345 am off at 7am. before the days were getting shorter i was getting a dozen a day. now im only getting half a dozen a day. how long does it take for them to lay good again. i know people that are haveing success with it. guess its just a wait and see thing.
Hey Blueseal,
I have my timers set to start at 4:00 am, and off at 7, then on again at 5:30 pm and off at 9. My old flock laid 12 -15 from 20 hens consistently through the whole winter last year. My new flock is just starting to lay, so we will see what happens this year.

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