Does my roo have too many hens?


11 Years
Oct 31, 2008
My 22 month old EE roo has 4 hens he grew up with, 1 added later and 4 pullets he fathered which are now laying (9 total). When they free range, he doesn't keep them all together. Nor does he make sure they all come home! Usually it's the young ones who don't listen to him-- or he ignores-- we aren't sure which--but not always. He is breeding all of them.
We are wondering.. can't he count that high? Do we need to get him some help?
It may be a good ratio, but I'm getting darn tired of chasing hens through the snow because he didn't bother to gather ALL his flock to go in at night. All I can figure is that there are too many for him to control.
In my experience different hatches take months and months to integrate into the main flock. If ever. Some new introductions just hop right into the group... others... not somuch. I'd say it sounds totally normal that he's not looking after them, chances are though he's breeding them whenever he finds the opportunity. And no, 9 isnt too many for him. Its a good ratio, anything less than 7 for me is too little- the rooster always ends up over using a few of his favorites.

Also, try penning them up together in tight quarters for a week or so. They should mesh into one group faster that way, repeat it a few times if you have to.
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they'reHISchickens :

It may be a good ratio, but I'm getting darn tired of chasing hens through the snow because he didn't bother to gather ALL his flock to go in at night. All I can figure is that there are too many for him to control.

I don't always go where my rooster wants me too.
Just 'cause he's a rooster doesn't mean I'm listening to him.​
LOL!! You'd think he could sweettalk them outta the snow!!!
Integration isn't a problem really. The youngest have been part of his group since December. They have a nice coop and have been penned well together thru a lot of the snow. The flock is so integrated now that the ones he forgets are a fluxuating mix of old and new. I just think he runs outta toes to count!
My rooster has 13 hens and he does just fine with them, keeps em all in line and rounded up.
Sounds like your roo needs to lay down the law to the youngsters.
This roo was elevated to head boss because #1 was nasty and found a stew pot.
So, has anyone found correlation between a secondary roo and how well he steps up to the plate?
I thought he was doing well with his original ladies. They were a tight bunch and he looked out for them. What upsets me is that he is leaving out some of his old gals and not the same ones each time. We do a head count before locking up each night.
Some roosters don't have enough responsibility to manage themselves, let alone several hens. Mine, for instance, will not only let his hens wander far and wide, way past where I want them to, but will actually coax them to spread out and come down to the house the minute I'm not looking. He's rather unruly, and I suppose some just are.

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