Does one have to do with the other?


Feb 17, 2017
Pacoima, CA
My Coop
My Coop
Since my cockerel has begun mounting my hens, they have stopped laying eggs. Does this have anything to do with their production? Out of 9 hens, only the one the cockerel is NOT mounting is producing every day. The others have produced nothing in almost a week now. Help me experts! Thanks so much! Passing the buck, buck, buck.
Is he breeding older hens? Is it your hens first rooster? Stress will halt laying, so if they aren't used to a rooster than it could be stressful and cause a halt in laying.
What other reasons do you know of that would make them stop laying? Thanks
To start with knowing the age of the chickens would help and the story of why he "just" started mounting them?
Are they Young or you just got him?
Do they run from him and he has to chase them to breed?
Is he being ruff with them when he breeds?
Do you watch them all day---reason for asking is how do you know he is not mounting them all(the norm) and just for info how do you know "this" one hen is the only one laying?

I have been raising chickens for over 50 years and have never felt the rooster breeding them has slowed egg production---Most all my hens squat for the rooster. But anything could be Possible---just never felt that was a problem.

Many things can slow/stop egg production---many things. Age, molt, stress, snake, broodiness, chickens eating them, egg thief's, feed, etc, to name a few.
Hiding eggs is another. Do they free range at all?

The age of the birds in question could help provide an answer.
To start with knowing the age of the chickens would help and the story of why he "just" started mounting them?
Are they Young or you just got him?
Do they run from him and he has to chase them to breed?
Is he being ruff with them when he breeds?
Do you watch them all day---reason for asking is how do you know he is not mounting them all(the norm) and just for info how do you know "this" one hen is the only one laying?

I have been raising chickens for over 50 years and have never felt the rooster breeding them has slowed egg production---Most all my hens squat for the rooster. But anything could be Possible---just never felt that was a problem.

Many things can slow/stop egg production---many things. Age, molt, stress, snake, broodiness, chickens eating them, egg thief's, feed, etc, to name a few.
Thank you for the info. I am outback most of the day. He is a young cockerel. My hens are only 6 months old. I upped their feed with more calcium several days ago, and they just began laying again yesterday. He seems to mostly try to mount the Rhode Island Reds (guess he likes redheads LOL). They don't run from him, just lay down for him. Anyway, thank you!

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