Does the "deep litter" method require a dirt floor?


11 Years
Jan 21, 2009
Kalispell, Montana
I have been reading about the deep litter method here. I am a bit confused as to what type of floor should be under the pine shavings. My coop has a plywood floor in it and I have a piece of 8' x 8' vinyl flooring that I planned on putting in when the snow melts. It seems that most deep litter users just have a dirt floor. Will dlm still work for me with flooring or does it need earth underneath for heat and drainage?
I've done it both ways, but usually put litter on a floor. I love the deep litter method for enclosed chickens. When it starts to smell like poo its time to change it and the litter goes into the garden or compost pile. It gives chickens an opportunity to do some scratching and keeps the piles from forming.
There's all sorts of different things that all get lumped together under the "deep litter" label.

With a vinyl floor, you won't usually get much heating or composting (tho you can encourage them by a VERY thick pooey litter pack and the addition of some dirt that you mix in with the litter after the first few weeks)... but you still get all the other benefits, like lower bedding costs and less work (albeit fairly *unpleasant* work when the time comes) and nice deep litter for hens to snuggle or dustbathe in.

Good luck, have fun,


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