Does this chick have a tumor?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
I think Ingrid has a tumor, didn't notice this growth before today. She's not the easiest to catch and when you try to catch her she always ran back into her cage so I didn't honestly think to capture her and inspect her. Today her chest fuzz was starting to wear off and I grabbed her up and noticed this.

IMAG0544 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

IMAG0547 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

IMAG0550 by StonesChickens, on Flickr

Only on one side of her chest (left side).

If this is a tumor what would you recommend me doing? She's eating and drinking fine and runs around fine, interacts with all the other animals fine. Would she still grow up okay?
I'm fairly new this chicken business myself so I can't say for sure but it looks like her crop is full. I notice this on my gals after they eat. The crop is where food is stored before it's digested is what I've been told. You do have to watch out for impacted crops but I don't know if that happens with little ones so young. Hopefully someone who really knows and can tell from the pics will reply. It's good that she is eating, drinking and acting normal.
That's an impacted crop. They aren't too hard to deal with. Some people recommend squirting olive oil down the chick's throat, but I'd just take her out daily and give her a small bowl of fish oil. hope this helps!
It's probably just a full crop from eating. Check her first thing in the morning before she eats and it should be empty. If not, then look up impacted crop.
Okay where do I get fish oil? Should I put her in her own area with a bowl of it? How long with it take to fix?

Thank god it isn't a tumor.
It is just a full crop. You do not need to do anything. The chick will be fine. Intervention will do more harm than good.
Im glad I found this, all of my chicks have this. Would a bad feed cause this? Or too high of protein? Or drinking too much water? Im new to the chicken world myself so I hope you dont mind me throwing out my questons too.

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